
Adrian Constantin

Expert in Lead Generation


I ventured into the agency world at the age of 23 and have been at it for 15 years. The first agency I launched is currently doing over $20,000,000 in revenues a year, serving customers from the US and Canada.
I've spent the greater part of my career figuring out ways to go beyond the norm. My passion isn't just in delivering marketing that's more efficient, but in creating experiences that audiences genuinely enjoy.

If you ask me, marketing is the art of strategically carrying out evolving multi-channeled, buying stage driven dialogues with hundreds, and even thousands of unique individuals, with differing needs, personalities and behaviors, all at the same time. If your marketing is targeted at doing anything other than that, then it isn't marketing that you're investing in, but some sort of promotional initiative that has a timer on it and will likely fail you again, and again, and again.....regardless of how perfectly targeted your initiative might be, and in spite of your persistence.

Let me introduce you to micro marketing. A very potent integrated engine, that combines outbound and inbound marketing, online and offline channels, in an systematic attempt to create inspiring and predictable customer journeys.

Recent Answers

Startup Consulting

My direct competitor is growing fast, my start-up is still at an early stage. Do I need to cancel the initiative and try something new?

Adrian Constantin

Expert in Lead Generation

Even if your competitor continuously capitalizes on your ideas, by imitating your product features, etc., and even if he grows exponentially faster than you, it shouldn't intimidate you. Similar product, less money, whatever else, doesn't matter. Get awesomely creative with your marketing. Focus on the user experience and forget the competition. That's one thing no competitor can ever take away from you. And, the only thing you've got to mediate risk. I'd love to share more with you over a 15 minute call. I can guide you through getting a better understanding of your customers, and developing an awesome user experience, by moving beyond conventional marketing. Looking forward to it. Adrian

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Is there a way to find out what visitors to other competitor sites are searching for?

Adrian Constantin

Expert in Lead Generation

Yes, you're able to get very specific with what your audience does on competing websites. You drill as deep as figuring out what pages they viewed and where they went next after they clicked away. There are also ways to identify a competitors entire keyword universe. This is essentially what the big boys do, and what online competitive intelligence is all about. I'd love to share more over a 30 minute call with you. We can discuss your exact needs, and I can share with you some of the tools I use, give you a perspective of costs, etc. Hope this helps! Adrian Contantin

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