Entrepreneur Strategist at bigProfitFlip.com
I am owner and operator of BigProfitFlip.com an entrepreneur strategist focusing start ups and sales dept's. I developed my first business in my home, I had only $1000. left and lost a job. Within 4 years I had 14 employees, Administrative office, sales dept and warehouse. I have been in business development for 30 years. Winner of 3 Presidents Club for over $1Million, Winner of 1 sales award in Educational Market, Winner of News write up with in the Restuartant Industry for increasing Beer,Wine & Liquor Sales with my unique method. My primary focus is on obstacles to you achieving the success you want. My education and training background was a psychologist with MA post graduate work at Boston University. I worked my through school through the GI bill, I am a Veteran.
Areas of Expertise