
Jer Ayles:

Consultant: Payday Loans, Car Title Loans


B2C consumer lending. Focused on how to start/improve/value subprime consumer lending businesses. Installment, cash advance, payday, car title... small-dollar, subprime lending. Native American Tribal lending collaborations & introductions. 20+ years in lending money to the Masses. Storefront/Online B2C consumer lending, collateralized & non-collateralized lending, banking, founder, investor, consultant, conduit, and resource. Quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, New York Times... Recognized by "players" in the Alternative Financial Services industry as "the 1st guy to talk to."

Founder Trihouse Consulting
"How to Loan Money to the Masses! PROFITABLY" |

20+ years as a Founder, Advisor, Mentor, and Investor - the quintessential start-up guerrilla. I have the pleasure of working with 100's of the best start-ups every year on everything from ideation, early concept validation, launching, funding, and all areas of operations.

I love getting my hands dirty - and leading teams of talented consultants, writers, analysts, and marketers who love a challenge.

I've lived all over the World - and started businesses on 3 continents. I'm back in the US - for now. Newport Beach, Calif.

Recent Answers

Capital Raising

Does anyone have suggestions for raising funds to inject into any already profitable consumer installment loan finance business?

Jer Ayles:

Consultant: Payday Loans, Car Title Loans

OK! You want to increase the amount of $$ you have "on the street." Are you a brick-n-mortar? Online Lender? Blended? You use proprietary loan management software or something off-the-shelf such as Infinity, eCheckTrak, Epic... You are a State licensed lender? Which State(s). [As you likely know, Illinois and Nebraska just "went dark."] Perhaps you're employing the Tribal Model? Are you beyond a "friends & family" seed fund? The ROI on "the business of lending to the masses" can be superior. Make some noise. I've no clue how much $$ you're attempting to raise. But at a minimum, let everyone in your network know about your biz. How well it's performing. Avg. installment loans are 400%+ APR's! Are you giving equity? Debt? Jer Ayles. Call me. Plenty of capital looking for returns you're capable of delivering.

Digital Production

How to create a digital product/course? I have the knowledge but struggle with how to organize it and what format to present it in?

Jer Ayles:

Consultant: Payday Loans, Car Title Loans

Focus on your target's pain. Break this "pain" into little micro-pains within the Theme. Use index cards for each chapter/module... Choose a specific time every day to write. Turn all the B.S. disturbances off! Focus. Either write like you speak or record your talking points and pay Fiverr or whatever to transcribe. Assemple a PDF. Get/build a Wordpress site focused on your chosen niche. Blog min. 2-3 times/week. Create great content that matters and share your knowledge in each Post. Do not holdback. QUALITY. Build your list; Aweber or Constant contact or whatever. Prominent signup form! Build a drip campaign. Allow 6 months to get any traction. Build your brand. Consistency... IE: like for me, it's Teacher… Lender… Consultant...Resource… Answers… The Business of Lending to the Masses. Leave INTELLIGENT, INSIGHTFUL comments everywhere related content appears. I've made front page of Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, NYT... Reporters NEED content. THEY ARE LAZY. Do the work for them. Be controversial. As Altucher writes, "If you're not afraid to hit Publish, if you're not scared SH&&***less, your writing sucks. Youtube, Instagram... sure! Everyday and everywhere! Start today. Focus. Do the work. Iterate. It's hard "work" BUT if you choose a niche you dig, the future is yours. Fail to be scared and do what need to be done, you will still be HERE! I know, and more importantly, YOU KNOW this works! Best , Jer - Trihouse Consulting

Project Finance

What type of regulation do apps like Cash App and Venmo have abide by?

Jer Ayles:

Consultant: Payday Loans, Car Title Loans

I've been lending capital, consulting and raising capital in the B2C lending space since 1998; generally AFS [Alternative Financial Services - both collateralized & noncollateralized. [Think payday loans, car title loans, installment loans...] Started with a brick-n-mortar and transitioned to online. If you're planning to lend, you face a multitude of regulatory hurdles and compliance challenges on both the federal and state/province level. If you're "holding" funds, you face the same challenges. Google "Fintech - fill in the blank" and you will begin to comprehend the reg issues. What "service" are you offering? Take a look at for some BG on what I'm referring to. You have not offered enough detail to dive deep into your question. Best, Jer Trihouse Consulting


How can I validate that the information a money-making book is providing is actually helpful money-making knowledge?

Jer Ayles:

Consultant: Payday Loans, Car Title Loans

I started selling a "How to Book" in the early 2000's. It changed my life! Not only did I sell a hell of a lot of books at $300 - $500 each, but it put me on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times... This led to more book sales, positioned me as the go to guy in my niche, and enabled me to collaborate on related business deals with some very savvy business people. What did my book do for its buyers? Enabled them to realize they could duplicate my efforts and in a LOT of cases, improve upon, scale and profit even more handsomely than I managed to do. Paying for GOOD INFORMATION that can jump start your business is always a good idea. The ability to scale your enterprise by tapping into the knowledge and experience of entrepreneurs who have come before you is a tremendous advantage. But, perform your due-diligence. Can you call the expert(s) and explore their background, experience and motivation? Be aware that selling a book "giving out helpful/useful money-making knowledge" makes sense for authors in a plethora of ways! By making a book available, in addition to providing a repository of additional resources and updates, the author is in a position to receive in-bound calls and questions from potential buyers of a "How to Manual," a "Bible" a "White Paper..." Literally, a dialog begins and both parties are in a position to explore and learn. Sure, skeptics say, "If you the author is so smart, why sell your book? Just put your head down and do the work!" Selling a GOOD book opens doors! Buying knowledge is one of the smartest investments we can make!!


Has anyone increased SaaS subscription pricing by 100% and lived to tell the tale?

Jer Ayles:

Consultant: Payday Loans, Car Title Loans

Andrew at Mixergy has several interviews with founders who pulled this off. As a matter of fact, that's where I discovered Dan and And am I glad I did!

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