Clarity Expert
Founder of Terri Levine Worldwide, The Coaching Institute and The Business Growth System. Bestselling author of many titles including "Sell Without Selling", "Stop Managing Start Coaching", "Coaching is for Everyone". Master Certified Guerrilla Marketing Trainer and Coach and Licensed Hidden Marketing Assets Consultant. Keynote speaker. Named one of the worlds Top Ten Coaches and The Top Female Coach by CoachingGurus.Net.
Clarity Expert
Follow up for me is about creating deeper more meaningful relationships. So I want to know more. I ask more questions. I am curious as to what the person is thinking and where they are at and what they are thinking. I come from concern and caring with no attrachment to the outcome. The final line is always... Let me know what you are thinking so I can close my file. I'd love to assist you. The ball is now in your court.
Clarity Expert
I highly recommend you add a free download of an information product like I have on my site (for example) This way I can see how many people are seriously interested. Each person then goes into an automated email "drip" campaign and those that are most interested you can skype with and offer a free sales consult just like I do. If you want some help I can show you how I do this over skype.
Areas of Expertise