
Jonathan Sexton

Clarity Expert


Serial Entrepreneur from TN. Raised over 2.1M and co-founded 2 digital media startups in past 24 months. Co-Founder at BandPosters, Co-Founder at ArtistGrowth, Partner BackPorch Group, Master Mentor "The Tenn". By the time you read this, I've probably started something else.

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Concert Promotion

What is a good way to find investors or raise money for a concert?Also how should I go about learning the business of organizing/promoting concerts?

Jonathan Sexton

Clarity Expert

I have a lot of background in live event promotion and also dealing with investors. Really it depends on the type and size of the event you are wanting to promote. Sometimes sponsors are enough to get you going depending on what the target market it is and if the ideal audience for the concert matches the sponsors marketing goals. In the event you want to go that route, you'd need to set up some sponsorship packages etc. (also something I've done). Finding investors can be really tricky if you've never put on a concert before. Usually, It is best to get some sort of track record first- again, I'm not sure the actual context here, but generally you have to create an investible story (i.e.- The first time we did this we only had x amount of money to start with but we accomplished y- so if you will invest Z in the next event- we'll be able to make 10x as much money. Lastly, Im not sure who the big concert promoters around Ohio State, but I'd look into maybe doing a summer internship with AEG live or AC entertainment in Nashville, or find out who the local promoters are and try and learn from them. Happy to talk more anytime- Hope that helps. JS

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