Michael Gruen
Entrepreneur and reluctant "Growth Hacker"
Sadly, these sorts of things are proprietary (it is "hacking" after all) and until a company isn't reliant on OPNs for growth, no one is really incentivized to talk about it. Even after they've made it, it probably still works for them.
I can say that OPNs are increasingly vigilant about protecting their main asset: their network. Networks purport to be open, but will immediately silo each other when they feel like others are encroaching on their turf—there's a reason Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn don't let you OAuth into their websites to sign up, but will happily authenticate you to others.
Further, many things that companies do might be considered plain good marketing and advertising, not "hacks". Playing by the rules isn't newsworthy.
Schedule a call if you want help thinking through your challenges.