
Warren K

Clarity's top expert on Instagram for Business


::ONLINE NOW:: Instagram Expert

Side Gigs: SonyPictures, MontBlanc, Uniqlo
Warren is a Instagram Strategist who maximizes the community building power of Instagram. Specializing in social communities, he's optimized the engagement of entrepreneurs, small businesses, startups, agencies, & non-profits.

If you're interested in vanity metrics do not book the call.

Warren has worked with brands such as Sony Pictures, Condé Nast China, TVR Optical, Mont Blanc and GQ as well as numerous thought-leaders

Warren's community has celebrity followers such as Michael B. Jordan, Erika Jayne, etc. As well as collaborated with influencers such as Grant Cardone, Ellen DeGeneres, book publishers, and various advertising agencies.

Recent Answers

Information Technology

Are hashtags helpful to increase Instagram followers?

Warren K

Clarity's top expert on Instagram for Business

A hashtag is a keyword categorical tool that arranges the billions of photos/videos uploaded to instagram in a way that we can find them. Hashtag information is also used by instagram’s algorithm to curate your explore feed with more of the type of content you engage with. Hashtag Tips: You can use up to 30 Hashtags on a post. If you go over this, instagram will upload the post and clear out the caption completely Hashtags aren’t case sensitive #SoYouCanDoThis You cannot own a hashtag. I encourage you to create a unique (but simple) hashtag for your brand ex. #OctoNation - this gives people the opportunity to create user-generated content so that you can find & use photos of community members talking about your brand! Hashtag Categories Community (ex. #DiscoverOcean, #BossBabes, #BlackGirlsWhoTravel) Niche (ex. #MotivationalSpeaker, #HighFashionPhotographer, ) Industry (ex. #Speaker, #Author, #Coach, #Photography , #Science, #Furniture) Location (#Texas, #HoustonTexas, #BexarCounty, #Htown, #Goldcoast) Brands (#ClickFunnels @RussellBruson) Publications - #hifructosemag @hifructosemag #NatGeoYourShot Brand Campaigns #BeatPlasticPollution by @LonelyWhale Your Brand (Ex. #OctoNation) Event (#FCS2019, #SMMW19, #FunnelHackingLIVE, #Ontrapalooza2019, #SanDiegoComiCon2018) Community Phrases - #MakersGonnaMake #ScubaLife # Seasonal Hashtags - #backtoschool #happynewyears


How to I find qualified leads for my video production company?

Warren K

Clarity's top expert on Instagram for Business

Do pro-bono work with brands and influencers locally. You have to figure out your angle (and maybe you have) But I personally would begin to network with small businesses in the area who have worked with influencers. I would go in an say that I want to enhance the work that's being done with influencers to increase their ROI -- in that relationship you now have two people-- the influencer who is going to need ongoing work and the business and brand that could hire you separately depending on your work. I don't think spending a ton of time on advertising when you are a creative is the best route to go-- you need to be creating and leveraging relationships. Make no mistake though-- when money starts coming in you better HIRE someone who specializes in advertising ASAP. If you could have figured it out, you would have already-- accept that it's a weakness for you and move on to what you know how to do best. Hope this helps you with some initial ideas!

Job search

I'm jobless and out of money and I have tried a lot of jobs. How can I make money from the internet?

Warren K

Clarity's top expert on Instagram for Business

If I were in your situation-- I would do Uber, Lyft, AirBNB (if you're able) Pay your immediate bills and use additional funds to see a psychologist and fix the root of the issue. Get practical. You don't have to figure it out alone. Wishing you the best through these current circumstances.


Is this trademark too descriptive? Can they stop me using the phrase when describing goods and services offered by my business?

Warren K

Clarity's top expert on Instagram for Business

I filed for a trademark past year and recently had it approved to learn that depending on use and how it's being referenced-- many things aren't worth taking to court. This very much seems like one of those instances (i'm not a lawyer and this isn't legal advice) -- I would search clarity for Andrei Mincov and grab 5 minutes of his time to make sure-- he's answered other peoples questions on trademarks here before.

Software Installation

What are the best practices in growing an online business on Instagram?

Warren K

Clarity's top expert on Instagram for Business

Case Studies & Social Proof of the results you are getting for people & how at the end of the day they are converting for the customer. "Followers" is a vanity metric that not many business owners care about-- they care about conversions.


What to do when your coaching client decides to offer coaching package to others that is similar to your coaching package with that client?

Warren K

Clarity's top expert on Instagram for Business

It's a short answer- that's not your money. Don't focus your energy towards someone else selling in your space--- the truth is -- your market is big enough and talent rises to the top ( no one can replace your unique style & results!) I want people to rip me off-- I feel strongly enough that I can go back into the lab and create! Wish them well & focus on deliberate creation.

Community Management

If you had to pick only one thing, what would you say is the best way to grow an engaged online community?

Warren K

Clarity's top expert on Instagram for Business

I recently helped a client grow a super engaged community of 22k followers from 0 in the month of July on Instagram. (@SlimeChimp) Depending on the platform I'd say understanding who exactly your serving and tailoring every single posts objective to create value & facilitate conversation. Before posting a piece of content understand what you want that person to do next. Instagram, now more than ever, is highly preference driven. There is an algorithm in place that scores the relevancy of each piece of content you post, to each one of your followers interactions individually. Say you posted a photo/video/infographic that others shared with their friends by tagging them in the comments section- Because the post was relevant to them they visited your profile & chose to click the follow button under the assumption that you'd be providing more content like what they just interacted with. If you keep varying your content without an ideal audience in mind- you'll lose. I love strategizing on Instagram- reach out if you need any help! -W PS: If you'd like to read further into Instagram changes-- check out my latest article

Social Media Marketing

What are the components of a risk assessment for a social media campaign that I should be able to define?

Warren K

Clarity's top expert on Instagram for Business

Since Instagram launched the archive feature- any trolling as it relates to this platform can be easily moderated. Simply (temporarily) archive the piece of content and moderate comments (block users) and un-archive the content. As far as people trolling the # in which your promoting your campaign-unless the content violates community guidelines there isn't much you can do- I would say from experience- this doesn't as often as you'd think. If I had more specifics about the campaign I could suggest more-- good luck!

Facebook Advertising

What are the best practices in generating millions of likes on a Facebook Page?

Warren K

Clarity's top expert on Instagram for Business

Distribution & Syndication is the name of the game...Most aren't aware that when your content is shared & liked by those not following your page, you are then given the opportunity to manually invite them to your page. If you can find a collection of niche groups within facebook & share the content that speaks directly to them- you can jumpstart the engagement that could lead to lots more engagement. Of course there is a lot more ways to distribute-- but i've found this one the most effective. If you have any questions or want to screenshare as i walk you through this-- lemme know! :D


When it comes to SEO, how do you attract people to your site when you're introducing a new (aka not-searched) topic?

Warren K

Clarity's top expert on Instagram for Business

If your doing something fitness related I would create an Instagram account. Provide specific practical tips/ how to information- information that would get your ideal client a result without needing you- you'll be able to curate a feed and look book that makes sense to your target customer -- then start engaging with hashtags and keywords that are being used them. So much more traffic you can attract from a platform that has 600 million users than worrying about SEO on a daily basis.

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Areas of Expertise

Growth HackingCommunity BuildingSocial Media StrategySocial NetworkingContent StrategySocial Media DevelopmentReputation ManagementSocial Media StrategistDigital StorytellingInstagram