
Jamie O

Empathy, advice, listening, certif. Reiki Master


I am here to listen to your stories and problems, with empathy, and help you piece together information you've provided, to help solve problems with the most logical answers.
I'm a certified Reiki Master and am able to conduct energy services long distance, as in this field, there is no distance. The same goes with tarot readings. Distance is not a problem.
I have vast experience in relationship advice, as I've been married over 30 years and have been "therapist" for many, many, my whole life.
I've been an empath my whole life. I have helped many with needing an outside insight into their problems, by looking at the basic issues at play. I'm a spiritualist.
I was a professional psychic tarot reader long ago. I still do readings for a select few and am open to it again if you need me to.
I have also spent years researching random health subjects, and have been a 24/7 caretaker of my husband when diagnosed with colorectal cancer. I can give some insight on that journey, and can be a research advocate for you, to take some of the weight of your shoulders and look for information that might help someone feel better.

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Client Relationship Building

How do i get more clients?

Jamie O

Empathy, advice, listening, certif. Reiki Master

I too have not had one client yet. I put my link on FB, and also put a free session code so they could have that session and leave glowing reviews. I had one that I couldn't connect with, being my first time and thought I was to answer, etc, on the app or site, and didn't think about the email. We never did connect because we were exhausted after the 2 hrs trying to connect. 🙄

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Areas of Expertise

SpiritualityPhotographyHealthResearchArt TherapyMental HealthHolistic HealthRelationship CoachMedical ResearchEmpathy