
Robin Weeks

Clarity Expert


Leadership Coach, co-founder new start-up, personality expert. Small business owner and counselor.

Recent Answers


What are the key benefits of crowdfunding on Indiegogo compared to funding on Kickstarter?

Robin Weeks

Clarity Expert

Kickstarter just changed their focus, you may want to check on the types of projects. There is also a company called Tilt you might check out. I know with Kickstarter it is all about that campaign you launch and then have to manage.


What's the appropriate way to hold professional training in the United States?

Robin Weeks

Clarity Expert

Working through Chambers of Commerce is a good place to start. Are you planning to come here to meet and deliver your courses? What industry are you targeting? I would need more details to provide you with greater help.


What is the best way to market my service to CEOs of companies with 25 employees or more?

Robin Weeks

Clarity Expert

What is your service? Are you hitting them with their pain points? Linked in works if you are relationship building first. You can sometimes get the email address from LinkedIn. If you are connected on LinkedIn try asking for a meeting to get to know them and their business. Call me for more tips.

Training & Development

Should I take a business course or just focus on my business?

Robin Weeks

Clarity Expert

I've worked with many start up entrepreneurs and laying a good business foundation is so important. Looking at what you don't know and addressing that now will only help you to succeed. Great question. I highly recommend using your local resources such as Small Business Development Center (a part of the SBA). Many of their classes are free or minimal cost and they offer free and confidential counseling. They can also connect you with retired executives that have been through starting, running and selling a business or two. They are good advisors. I also suggest you reach out to anyone you may know that is currently running a successful business for their help. There may be industry councils or groups in your area that are also a good source of information as well as economic development organizations through your county. There is a lot of free support available. I also recommend you look at your LInkedIn connections for who may be of help. Other types of classes are offered through Coursera, Open Sesame online. If I can be of further help please let me know.

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Conflict ResolutionCoachingTeam BuildingLeadership DevelopmentTraining & DevelopmentEmployee EngagementOrganizational ChangeStrategic HiringPersonality