


How to find the right business coach? And not spend thousands searching for them?

I'm more than open to having calls with Clarity but as a startup have liimied budget to allocate to coaching. Problem that Ifind is Idon't know if its a fit and don't have the budget to try everyone until I find the right one spending potentially thousands. I had a bad experience with an "expert" who offered no real value but costs $200. Any suggestions?

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Dan Martell

SaaS Business Coach, Investor, Founder of Clarity

If you spent that money on Clarity ($200 with an expert) and you didn't get value, email for a full refund. We offer 100% money back guarantee. Alternatively, you can sort by ratings and price.

If you want a great coach - call John, he's awesome

Also, Marcy if you can afford her

Answered over 10 years ago

David Berman

Bootstrap Expert

1. Check to make sure they have directly applicable knowledge / wisdom for you and experience in your industry. I've found that in the beginning stages of my startups finding a coach / mentor with specific experience in my sector gave me the fastest and greatest ROI.

2. Start with a short call (i.e. 30 minutes) and ask a very specific question. Be super focused and make sure the info you ask for (and get) is actionable. A small investment ($100 to $200) could result in a fantastic ROI. And remember that sometimes great advice / coaching SAVES you thousands.

3. Ask the coach if they offer an initial free consultation. But if you do so - be respectful of their time and if you figure out during the call that there's not a good fit - end the call asap.

4. Check reviews and get references. Do some online research and find out what you can about them. At the very least you should get a sense of what they are about.

5. Take action. Hey - you're an entrepreneur.. And taking risk is what we do. Absolutely do everything you can to mitigate that risk. But once you've completed your due diligence you just gotta go for it!

I have a couple of free calls left from my most recent offer. Should you wish to give me a try;

In any case - best of luck!

Answered over 10 years ago

Alexis Grant

Media entrepreneur (content monetization)

Most coaches that offer real value are not cheap! You'll find many of the more affordable ones don't have much real experience to pull from.

I found mine by asking for recommendations around the blogosphere, and being specific on what I was looking for. For example, I didn't want a coach who helps people launch businesses, since I already had my own business -- I wanted a coach who was experienced in helping small businesses scale. Being specific about what I wanted helped me narrow the field.

(I ended up with Charlie Gilkey of He's awesome.)

Answered over 10 years ago

Brendan Tully

Ecommerce Consultant - Optimization & Marketing

You've asked a very vague question - if you start out with a vague (aka poor quality) question you'll get a poor quality result.

There are all sorts of different coaches and consultants so it ultimately depends on what stage your business is currently, eg startup, existing profitable business with stable cashflow, existing business with cashflow problems, and what your goal is, eg get the business of the ground, grow the business, dig out of a cashflow hole.

To me is sounds like you need a more specific set of criteria and tangible, measureable outcomes before going any further.

Answered over 10 years ago

Chris Larmore

Business development, sales, and marketing guru

I believe any credible coach even one that charges substantial rates for substantial advice would be open to providing a 30 minute Q&A, in which you can try to present situations to them to see if they have the right sort of expertise and can properly communicate it with you.

Often times, you can approach other start ups with a similar product or service type and ask them who they are using. Former founders, VCs, and board members are eager to help out others within the same niches to continue to grow opportunities in the areas they already have interest in. They are also usually right on top of the knowledge waves.

Make sure you respect the coach enough to be able to take candid constructive and sometimes difficult feedback. If the coach isn't challenging the way you think and bring change to you and your organization, you probably aren't getting the value out of the relationship you need to for the rates you mention above.

Lastly, understand the difference between a coach and an area expert. Coaches are frequently there to help with broader macro strategy and the development of leadership. They can help you season faster and identify problems to proactively manage instead of being reactive to them or letting them dent your business model. Area specialists are people who can help you in specific segments or areas of the business where your company doesn't have the right mix and isn't looking to add full time talent. Think of marketing, sales management, human resources, public relations, supply chain, finance, etc.

Good luck on your hunt, I believe you will know when you have met your correct match. If it doesn't feel right or you aren't seeing clear value don't continue with it.

Answered over 10 years ago

Vasudevan T

Founder & CEO - Product & Marketing Expert

This is the real issue with the professional coaching industry today. As per ICF, there are over 47,000 certified coaches across the globe. But there isn't any way to identify a credible and most relevant coach today. As per the American Management Association (AMA) survey, it is evident that over 65% of the coaching engagements fail because of personality mismatch (Refer to pg #15 at Few directories such as,, etc lists many coaches, but finding the right person is still an issue. Even the Coach referral service from ICF also does not solve this puzzle.

I'm part of a project - - based in Bangalore India which is trying to solve this. The project will be going live by next month (April) and over 350 coaches have signed up already. Complete personal & professional profile of the coach, a unique scoring methodology (algorithmic), etc are expected to solve this match making issue.

I shall keep you posted. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait till it is launched. Else, as Dan suggested, try few credible coaches on Clarity.

Hope this helps!

Answered over 10 years ago

Sharon Lewis

Clarity and Confidence with Tricky People Problems

After 10 years as an executive coach I would suggest that you get really clear about what coaching is and what you truly desire in what you're calling a coach. Many self-styled coaches are really educators, workshop leaders, information marketers, consultants or mentors using this decade's buzz word to describe what they do. A coach will help you achieve your goals by building your internal capacity, problem solving abilities, supporting habits and self awareness. A coach will help you formulate questions that expand possibility and will assist you in creating habits that sustain and build you. A great coach will leave you stronger with more capacity and more faith in yourself than when you started.

Be careful of the person who styles themselves an expert in the domain you're trying to improve. Experts tend to offer answers that have worked for others. One of the wonderful things about coaching is that it works to help you find answers that work for and with you, that build on your strengths and get you around any areas that have been challenges for you in the past.

Beware the 3,5 or 7 step process or any 'coach' who promises a blueprint to a promised land.

There can be value in 'program' based learning and 'blueprints' to success but it is decidedly not coaching.

Ask yourself if you're looking for a mentor, a consultant or an accountability buddy. All of these roles have value, but again, are not coaching per-se.

The International Coaches Federation (ICF) website provides a good list of well trained and tested coaches. After that proceed as you would with any professional, ask for references, training schools attended, years in operation. Rather than asking for a 'sample' coaching call ask for a conversation to discuss right fit. When you get the conversation inquire into how the coach themselves determines if a client will work well with them. Newer or less confident coaches will have trouble answering this question. An experienced coach knows who they work well with. Ask specifically how a coach distinguishes between mentoring, coaching, consulting & training and listen carefully to see what it is exactly that you want.

I'd be happy to speak with you regarding right fit if you like.

Answered over 10 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

If you want to find a right coach and do not want to spend thousands searching them, the best way I will suggest is you become one yourself. These are the following steps that will help you become a right coach:
1. Choose a niche: Coaching is a vast field, so professionals have a myriad of niches to choose from. This helps coaches market their services to a specific type of clientele and gives potential customers confidence that the coach has expertise helping people with their unique challenges. Some of the possible areas of specialization for life coaches include:
1. Business
2. Career transition and job search
3. Romantic relationships
4. Academic issues
5. Spirituality
6. Aging
7. Work-life balance
8. Weight loss
9. General wellness
2. Complete a training program: Helping people improve different areas of their life is a big responsibility—and requires specialized training to be effective. During training, prospective coaches learn the psychological principles of coaching, how to conduct a coaching assessment to determine clients’ needs, ethics in coaching, and communication skills. To get the best results from their training, students should find a program that has been accredited by industry associations like the International Coach Federation.
3. Get a credential: Earning a certification in addition to a degree can go a long way toward gaining the trust of potential clients. Credentials, which are provided by professional associations like the International Coach Federation and the International Association of Coaching, requires expertise and demonstration of high work standards. For example, the International Coach Federation offers a Professional Certified Coach certification that requires professionals to have 500 hours of coaching experience—450 of which must be paid—as well as at least 25 clients. In addition, people who apply for this certification must successfully complete the Coach Knowledge Assessment, which tests on their understanding of coaching agreements, ethical guidelines, active listening skills, goal setting, and accountability. Similarly, those who want to earn the Master Masteries Coach designation from the International Association of Coaching must complete a series of tests to demonstrate their knowledge of coaching principles. In addition, candidates for this certification must submit recordings of their coaching sessions with clients in order to be evaluated for the association’s coaching masteries—such as the ability to actively listen and help clients set clear intentions—into their sessions.
4. Set up a business classification: To get certain legal protections as a business owner, life coaches can get a business classification, such as a Limited Liability Company or Corporation designation.
5. Obtain business insurance: Although life coaches are not required to carry insurance, getting coverage can help protect their business and give clients peace of mind.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered about 4 years ago

Kannan Nair

“I am Me.

Finding the right business coach without spending a lot of money can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can use to increase your chances of finding a good match without breaking the bank:

### 1. **Leverage Free Resources**
- **Podcasts and Webinars:** Many experienced coaches and business experts host free podcasts or webinars. This can give you a sense of their style and expertise.
- **Books and Blogs:** Look for coaches who have published books or maintain blogs. These resources often provide valuable insights and allow you to gauge if their approach resonates with you.

### 2. **Utilize Your Network**
- **Referrals:** Ask other entrepreneurs or professionals in your network if they can recommend a coach they’ve had a positive experience with.
- **Peer Groups:** Join entrepreneurial groups or forums where members often share recommendations and experiences with coaches.

### 3. ** and Similar Platforms**
- **Read Reviews:** and similar platforms allow you to read reviews from other users, helping you to find highly-rated coaches within your budget.
- **Short Calls:** Start with a short, low-cost introductory call to see if there is a good fit before committing to a longer, more expensive session.

### 4. **Professional Associations and Organizations**
- **Business Associations:** Many professional organizations offer coaching services at discounted rates for members. Consider joining an association relevant to your industry.
- **SCORE:** The Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) offers free mentoring and coaching to small business owners.

### 5. **Trial Sessions and Consultations**
- **Free Initial Consultation:** Some coaches offer a free initial consultation. Use this opportunity to assess their fit without financial commitment.
- **Trial Periods:** Negotiate a trial period at a reduced rate to determine if the coach is a good fit for your needs.

### 6. **Online Communities and Forums**
- **Entrepreneurial Forums:** Engage with online communities such as Reddit’s r/entrepreneur, where you can ask for recommendations and advice.
- **LinkedIn Groups:** Join LinkedIn groups focused on entrepreneurship and small business coaching. Members often share their experiences and recommendations.

### 7. **Educational Institutions and Incubators**
- **University Programs:** Some universities and business schools offer free or low-cost coaching as part of their entrepreneurship programs.
- **Startup Incubators:** If you’re part of a startup incubator or accelerator, take advantage of any coaching services they provide.

### 8. **Bartering and Equity**
- **Barter Services:** If you have skills or services that could benefit a coach, consider offering a barter arrangement.
- **Equity Stake:** Some coaches might be open to providing their services in exchange for a small equity stake in your business.

### 9. **Freelance Platforms**
- **Upwork and Fiverr:** Look for business coaches on freelance platforms where you can compare rates and reviews before hiring.

### Key Considerations:
- **Define Your Goals:** Clearly define what you want to achieve with a coach to ensure you’re targeting the right expertise.
- **Research Thoroughly:** Take the time to research and vet potential coaches. Look for testimonials, case studies, and any available feedback.
- **Budget Wisely:** Allocate a specific budget for coaching and stick to it. Avoid overcommitting financially until you are sure of the value you’re receiving.

### Avoiding Common Pitfalls:
- **Red Flags:** Be wary of coaches who promise guaranteed success or charge exorbitant fees without clear justification.
- **Value Alignment:** Ensure the coach’s values and approach align with your business philosophy and goals.

By being strategic and resourceful, you can find a business coach that fits your needs and budget.

Answered 3 months ago