


What is a good scope of work for a marketing and PR department?

Hi, I am in the process of revamping the marketing and public relations department in our company and I want to know what is a good scope for that, I have already including advertising, creative design, branding for marketing and news writing, events management for the PR but I feel there is a lot missing It would be great if you can guide me on that Thanks

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Alan Weinkrantz

Tech PR / Startup Communications Strategies

Build a body of work in the form of a blog. Much depends on the size and scope of your company, but branded journalism can really make a huge difference.....

Answered over 10 years ago

Michael Muli

UX Designer and Design Thinker

Your question has now met my answer :-) .
Here's a list of tasks that you should convert into a doc, save on your computer and use until you're a mean PR machine.

Public Relations
• Facilitate drafting & distribution of all press releases, media announcements, etc.
• Coordinate media attendance and management at events
• Coordinate with media on child care legislative issues & literacy/learning topics
• Manage and act on all publicity opportunities such as community events, holidays, editorial calendars,
• Monitor all media coverage of the brand and related topics
• Potentially implement social media for specific campaigns or for specific events

A. Goal
To make the general public understand what your brand/product is and why it’s so critical for the prospective customers and the economy as a whole.
B. Tactics
• Pitching – personally contacting editors & reporters for coverage based on their editorial
calendars or a specific event/topic
o News-Press Editorial Board – facilitate meeting with boards and relevant orgs /or
publishing editorial features in relevant publications, event attendance/coverage
• PSAs – draft 30 second PSAs and distribute to area radio stations, secure runs
• Ad Space – coordinate with publications for potential free ads/remnant space
• Press Release(s) - include selected messaging all of your material (branding)
• Tracking – Coordinate with IT department for Website and traffic tracking
• Coordinate with Outreach Committee & other board members as needed
• Offer consistent communications while pushing out a campaign on what makes your product so invaluable.
• Be the media liaison and keeping all relevant information organized. Meetings,
conference or phone calls, etc.

Answered over 10 years ago

David Berman

Bootstrap Expert

In order to provide guidance - might I ask:

-What outcome are you trying to accomplish with your marketing efforts? In other words - what are your marketing goals?

The use of components like advertising, content marketing (i.e. news writing), events, etc are all tactics that are strategically implemented to attain that / those goals.

I've run businesses where only a small handful of components resulted in massive ROI and success (i.e. provided reasonable margins and helped build a successful business).

Often, especially when resources are a governing consideration, choosing wisely (i.e. one good in-bound and one good out-bound marketing venue) is all that's needed to build the foundations of a solid business.

It might be helpful to:
1. Calculate your CAC (cost of acquisition of a customer)
2. Segment your market into (a) those looking for you / your specific solution and (b) those who know they have a problem that your solution can help
3. Based on that segmentation hypothesize WHERE that market is. Is the (a) group searching on google? Are they readers of a specific magazine / newspaper? The answer to this will direct which venue you use to reach them.
4. Pick the media / venue where you can (1) afford it based on your CAC and (2) where the ROI is projected to be the highest
5. Craft and deliver your targeted message and irresistible offer and use that media / venue to deliver it.

For more ideas and practical ways of creating an implementing a marketing strategy give me a call. And best of luck to you!

Answered over 10 years ago

Karen McFarlane

B2B Marketer for High Growth Companies

The answer depends on your goals, resources and budget. You have a good body of work listed above. Content creation and marketing seems to be missing, but you want an agency that can create meaningful strategies and guide you on the tactical execution of those strategies using the appropriate media. Happy to chat further once I know more about your business goals.

Answered over 7 years ago

Peter Classen

COO/CMO/CSO and guru at revenue engine building

Ugg, as a Chief Marketing Officer, a Chief Strategy Officer, and a Sr. Instructor at General Assembly on Marketing, and the Marketing function - you would want to deal with the biggest value added activities of marketing first, and get your hierarchies in order. Start with understanding the marketing function as have a role in Product (what you build and sell), Place (where you sell it), Price (how much you sell it for), and Promotion (how you promote, market, advertise your product). PR is a subset of promotion, similar to MARCOMMS (marketing communications). Both have to deal with communications, in the case of PR, communications/outreach with the public at large and Marcomms, the communication that is specific with customers). Under the promotion dimension of marketing is also traditional and digital marketing. Try hard to think beyond "the organization of marketing" and consider in what areas Marketing needs to be Responsible, Authorized to Act, Consulted, and Informed. (This is called RACI). For example: will Marketing be included in New Product / New Market Opportunity analysis, strategy formation, and planning? (Yes, they should, even if the Strategy function is put in charge). You could also use a "next best practice" approach which has marketing, sales, and distribution unified under a Chief Revenue Officer. Marketing Operations - the new application of technology to Marketing Tactic management - might also be part of your thinking. Ofcourse, corporate culture, company size, industry, product/service type matters in the engineering of a marketing function, so hard for me to say more. Happy to chat, if you really want to get into the details, the hierarchy, the three or four models to choose from, etc. Good luck!

Answered about 7 years ago

Valentin Boyanov

Management Consultant

I suppose, the time you appoint the employees of those departments, you check carefully that they know the theory and have some experience. So, presumably they know what and how to do. Now come the big issue of the proper structuring, organization, motivating, etc.
I would propose the following - you put a screen in their room, showing:
- weekly sales target
- up-to-date results
- monthly target
- percentage done
- marketing and PR budget cost
- up-to-date spent
And leave them decide how to work and what to do.
all the best

Answered almost 6 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

There are a lot of different tasks or work that Marketing Department and PR Department can do in a company. Let us look at both activities one by one. Let us begin with the Marketing Department:
1. Listening to customer needs
To establish a marketing strategy, it is necessary to get closer to the clients and listen in order to find out what their needs are. It is a marketing department task, to plan the necessary means for receiving customer feedback:
1. Company internal channels: Create surveys or capture information of the sales team and customer support (departments closest to the customer) that may be relevant to enhancing or redirecting the marketing strategies in the future.
2. Channels outside the company: Perform searches and create actions in social networks that help to better understand the needs of users, to convert them into customers.

2. Track trends and monitor competition: Like the previous point, it is important to know the position of the company regarding the market and the competition. That is why from marketing, you must watch the competition to learn what they do best or to identify their mistakes in order to avoid falling into them.
3. Work and brand values: Conceptually, a brand is a representation of the feelings that the products, services, and company share show. The marketing department is responsible for creating and disseminating images, messages and ideas that best communicate the brand values. Additionally, you must ensure that all company departments convey these messages in a consistent and unified way.
4. Searching for new (and helpful) marketing' tools: Been updated in all what concerns the marketing field is a must. That is why as marketers we should be conscious about the new trends, strategies and digital tools that arise by the time.
Nowadays there are three types of marketing tools that must have a presence in every marketing department:
1. Product Management tools: There are many types of product management software depending on our product management routine. It can include tools for Project Tracking (such as Basecamp or Slack); User Feedback, perfect for collecting customers impressions (tools like SurveyMonkey, Canny are useful); and obviously, analytics tools such as Google Analytics (well-known globally) or Kissmetrics, that are a must to determine the our product success and those web areas with greatest or lowest interaction.
2. Marketing automation tools: The power of this "all in one" platforms is the possibility of managing and controlling all the processes of our digital marketing strategy. These tools include the possibility of creating content, landing pages, email marketing, lead nurturing with automated workflows, CRM, etc. HubSpot is the perfect example of a complete marketing automation tool.
3. Product Information Management tools: Maybe you haven't heard before about it, or maybe you know it as PIM. This digital solution allows you in real time collecting-storing-analyse-distribute all your product content in all the platforms, marketplaces, and channels where products are published. Also, it has become an ally for the creation and update sales materials: catalogues (online & offline), price listings, etc. Its possibilities seem unreal, but it offers more benefits and advantages for your marketing team
5. Coordinate efforts with those of the marketing partners of the company: Around the business’s marketing there are lots of contributors: publishers, designers, journalists, consultants. The work of these contributors must be aligned with the objectives of the company and is the department itself who should control it to do so.
6. Innovate: Customers need to be surprised, and every day, given the higher offer, they are more demanding with this. The marketing department should work on new promotions, affiliate programs, customer retention techniques, improvements in the conversion of their messages and actions. It is not a matter of inventing entirely different disruptive actions; you will find innovation in the small details and in the continuous improvement.
7. Communicate with the rest of the company: A company is a chain of members pursuing a common goal: to fulfil its mission and maximize its profits, while respecting the principles of business ethics. A chain is as weak as its weakest link. It does not matter that the commercial or production department are doing an impeccable job, if the marketing department fails, the entire company will fail, and the efforts of other departments will be in vain. That is why the marketing department must ensure that their actions are aligned with the overall objectives of the company and that they report the work they are doing.
8. Help improve sales processes and customer: As mentioned above, it is the responsibility of the marketing department to know the users and especially the customers’ feelings. A good way for better knowing the customer is that all departments that have more direct contact with the customer shall be working with the empathy maps.

9. Manage marketing budgets & Calculate the ROI (Return of Investment) of the company’s actions: Like any other division, the marketing department should be able to plan its budget for the next year’s activities, stretching it in order to make the most of it, for ensuring a positive ROI. Because as you know, marketing activities are an investment of time, money and effort. And like every investment, it requires measuring actions in order to check whether they meet the intended objectives and in order to compare a certain action with others. Faced with questions as 'should I invest in telemarketing, social media, traditional media...?' The answer is unique: measure them all and choose based on the numbers.

10. Define strategic marketing plans: The most cost-effective strategies are those that are planned for the long term. To do so, you must draft a document setting out the objectives to be achieved in the following months; the actions that are to be undertaken; the strengths of the company; the competition; the target markets. In addition, these strategic plans must also be aligned both with the strategic plan of the company and with other departments’ plans.
Public relations is different from advertising. Public relations agencies do not buy ads, they do not write stories for reporters, and they don’t focus on attractive paid promotions. The main role of public relations is to promote the brand by using editorial content appearing on magazines, newspapers, news channels, websites, blogs, and TV programs.
Using earned or free media for promotion has its own benefits as information on these mediums are not bought. It has a third-party validation and hence is not viewed with scepticism by the public.
The functions of public relations manager and public relations agencies include:
1. Anticipating, analysing, and interpreting the public opinion and attitudes of the public towards the brand and drafting strategies which use free or earned media to influence them.
2. Drafting strategies to support the brand’s every campaign and new move through editorial content.
3. Writing and distributing press releases.
4. Speechwriting.
5. Planning and executing special public outreach and media relations events.
6. Writing content for the web (internal and external websites).
7. Developing a crisis public relations strategy.
8. Handling the social media presence of the brand and responding to public reviews on social media websites.
9. Counselling the employees of the organisation regarding policies, course of action, organisation’s responsibility, and their responsibility.
10. Dealing with government and legislative agencies on behalf of the organisation.
11. Dealing with public groups and other organisations regarding social and other policies of the organisation and legislation of the government.
12. Handling investor relations.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered about 4 years ago

Otatade Okojie

Experienced CEO Digital marketing strategist

Hi great question, I'm Otatade Okojie I can help you. You need to provide a service that caters to the markets need to work with influencers. From Micro, macro and larger scale influencers. Big brands and sponsorship companies have been going for niche influencers to sell their products for a while, they get quicker engagement and more understanding when it comes to feedback,clearer and more meaty discussions and dialect when it comes to feedback, more qualitative data, when it comes to product testing and improvements. Capitalising on the markets need also to churn out influencers as well is a great bow in your hat, there are a lot of audience members eager to tap into influencer opportunities because you are not required to have a specific grade. Resume,qualification, or training, it's about marketability,accessibility, how open and accessible are they to the audience. How well do they translate. If you get the influencer bow to your hat you will be cashing major checks.

Answered over 2 years ago