

Team Leadership

Leader and manager...compatible?

In XX century we used to say that some perfect entrepreneur should mix and combine leadership and management skills to be 100% it still true on XXI century with our global challenge?

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Ken Wheatley

Founder, Royal Security Group LLC

Even more so in a global economy. Both skill-sets are required in varying percentages, depending on what's going on in the business. Effective leadership is about inspiring and instilling confidence and "followership" in your staff, and demonstrating strength of character, conviction, and stability to customers. "Managing" is the set of skills needed to competently run the business. You have to have both, in good measure, to succeed.

Answered over 10 years ago

Tamarah Black

Serial Founder | Strategist

There's a functional difference in leading an organization and leading (managing) a team operationally. As a Founder, usually by necessity, you will have a greater chance of success in your venture if you can excel at a 50/50 split of strengths for both in the early days.

Without the ability to communicate your vision and build the team you need to launch your venture, you won't attract a team. Once you have them, you've got to execute which requires significant management skills with people and project management to produce and deliver your product or service.

As your organization and your team grows, it's important to really self-assess/get feedback on where your true strength lies - leading or managing. If you are strongest in the leadership role - narrow your lens and channel your energy in growing that strength for the good of your company. Partner or staff up with strong managers who live and breathe your people, systems, products/services, etc. If you're strongest at management - partner up with a demonstrated leader who shares your VISION and ultimate goal(s).

Seth Godin had a great video a bit back that got into the heart of this:

The thing that makes me curious about your question is how it connects to your work. Do you feel that if you can't bring 100% you won't be able to compete in a "global" marketplace?

Answered over 10 years ago

Christopher DuBois

Leadership Development Consultant

I don't think leadership and management will ever be mutually exclusive.

It's a battle of semantics. A manager has subordinates, a leader has followers. Since following is a voluntary action, a manager would have to give up authoritative control.

Still, employees can choose whether to follow you, or just acknowledge your orders.

Management skills are what identify that baseline of performance and use it to maximum efficiency. Leadership skills provide motivation so that baseline is increased.

Without a combination of these skills, you're missing out on the full potential of your team.

I would argue that being a "managing leader" is more important than ever to develop a successful team and business.

Answered over 7 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Leaders and managers can only be compatible if both feel AND agree the leadership model is right for the company, for if the manager cannot read between the lines the company will not survive for long no matter how good the leadership you have. These are the following leadership models which can be applied:
1. Action Centered Leadership
2. Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid
3. Dunham and Pierce’s Leadership Process Model
4. Fiedler’s Contingency Model
5. French and Raven’s Five Forms of Power
6. Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory
7. Tannenbaum-Schmidt Leadership Continuum
8. Lewin’s Leadership Styles Framework
9. Path-Goal Theory
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered almost 4 years ago

Andy Scantland

Helping startup leaders lead

Managers have gotten a bad rap lately. Regardless of their reputation, managers are critically important. A manager organizes resources, including people. The manager makes decisions around allocation of assets, sets goals and implements the tools to measure progress against those goals. We rely on management to create a safe, consistent place and to measure success.

But leadership is different. Leadership moves beyond managing and incorporates the heart and soul of the enterprise. Leadership stirs people to go beyond what is required, and to do what’s important. A leader inspires and motivates, certainly, but also sets the tone, recognizes strengths as they arise, acknowledges brilliance and sets standards well above what most people think they’re capable of achieving. And a leader accepts accountability for the process and the results.

So, in my mind, managers are important but leadership sets the organization apart.
(I just posted on this very topic on LinkedIn- click here for the article: )

Answered about 1 year ago