

Customer Development

Is there any typical questions for customers' pain points discovery or it's impossible to standardise?

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Dan Waldschmidt

Business Strategist, Speaker & Ultra-Runner

I have built several multi-million dollar businesses using (2) very simple questions: "What makes you say that...." and "Tell me more...."

No matter what someone says to you, you just keep asking one (or both) of the questions. If you do it 4 or 5 times in a row you'll learn everything you ever wanted to know.

Answered over 10 years ago

David Berman

Bootstrap Expert

The best way to understand customer motivation (aka pain aka desire aka wants, etc) is to study human behavior and human nature.

For a VERY simple model study the lowest levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

For more detail study Evolutionary Psychology and Neuromarketing. Type those words in to the search box and you'll find plenty to read.

Good marketing is grounded in a firm understanding of human nature. Once you have a good grasp of these concepts you can begin to apply them to your specific market. It's part science and a good bit of art. The key is to, as Steve Blank says, "get out of the building."
It will likely take time to develop this skill but the investment and effort are well worth it.

The "shortcut" is to work with a consultant or coach who has already studied and these things and mastered this skill. They will not only assist you in specifically finding YOUR customer's "pain points" but they will effectively lead by example. And you will no doubt shorten your learning curve significantly. Consider that there are 237 responses in the amazon search for "neuromarketing" - and then consider that a good coach can direct you to the highest impact 3 or so books.... How much time and money would that save you?

Let's talk if you'd like some direction and assistance. I wish you massive success!

Answered over 10 years ago

Steve Daar

Conversion Optimization for Social Businesses

Some tried + true questions for discovering pain points:

- What was your biggest challenge, frustration or problem in finding the right product?

- Which questions did you have, but couldn’t find answers to on the website?

- Which doubts and hesitations did you have before completing the purchase?

- What’s the one thing that nearly stopped you from buying from us?

- Steve

Answered over 10 years ago

Stephanie Hayes

Startup and Small Business Mentor, Entrepreneur

Most of the startups that I have mentored have gotten to their customer discovery/value proposition phase where they are required to prove or disprove their value proposition and they freak right out because they want a list of interview questions.

I always tell them to ditch the questions. Approaching customer discovery with a list of questions will completely limit your responses by setting their thinking around a specific solution and then you miss understanding if your solution is even an answer to the problems they *really* have.

Instead, go back to what is prescribed in the customer validation approach and do a "day in the life" analysis. Don't assume you know what the problems are. Start with a hypothesis and then go to your customers and ask them to describe their work processes, or their buying habits, or whatever it is in the context of your product, but let them drive. Most times, they will quickly get to describing what's challenging about this process and the first things they will describe are the biggest pain points. Of course you want to be armed with some questions you can ask to drill down further, as described in some of the responses above, but listen, listen, listen. Guide them and let them talk. People will complain more than they will rave and with a skilled facilitator or business analyst, you will be able to maneouver the conversation to discover whether they actually care about the problem you think you are solving or whether you need to pivot your offering/value proposition to address what they are *really* struggling with.

Bottom line - ask them to describe their life in the context of your offering. Don't lead them to focus specifically on your solution right off the bat.

Answered almost 9 years ago

Angelo Sorbello

Get More Free Traffic through Data-Driven SEO

Tricks, tactics, strategies, platforms, and so on.

They might pass.

While understanding your customers will always be your KEY competitive advantage in the long run.

So, how do you get the kind of insights that you need to know about your buyers? 🤔

Here's a full list of how to gain this kind of qualitative data, (even if you don't have an email list).

Check all the reviews from 2 to 4 of books or any kind of product related to what your product is about.

For instance, you want to build an online course on how to Develop an App. Check all the books about the topic, and see if anything is repeating on the reviews like "Good content, but there's a lack of examples and case studies." "Not enough practical" or "Too Basic."

You want to get that kind of understanding of your audience's way of talking and pain points, so that you can reuse them later on for creating more relevant contents, better copy, headlines, and sales pages that convert more. Moreover, you want to spot gaps in your market where your competitors are still not present.

Simple as that, check in related questions, or even ask something like "What are your struggling with X?" People generally tend to be honest and personal on this kind of platforms.

Look at how people promote or complain about competitive offerings on Twitter.

Never copy the content of the sales pages. That's what scammers do. However, more established competitors, even if they don't always have all the answers - probably learned some lessons about which features/benefits/pain points are most critical. You can learn a lot by working backward from there.

Be careful when they refer to something specific like "You've probably struggled along the oceanic information about the topic and never really took actions." Stuff like this is probably something that they've perhaps found a repeating pain point in their researches.

Seems obvious, but, check not only your broad topic like "Digital Marketing," but also "SEO," "Content Marketing."

"What have used for X?" "For how long?" "Have you ever thought about X?"


Answered almost 7 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

A pain point is a specific problem that prospective customers of your business are experiencing. In other words, you can think of pain points as problems, plain and simple. Like any problem, customer pain points are as diverse and varied as your prospective customers themselves. However, not all prospects will be aware of the pain point they’re experiencing, which can make marketing to these individuals difficult as you effectively have to help your prospects realize they have a problem and convince them that your product or service will help solve it.
Although you can think of pain points as simple problems, they are often grouped into several broader categories. Here are the four main types of pain points:
I. Financial Pain Points: Your prospects are spending too much money on their current provider/solution/products and want to reduce their spend
II. Productivity Pain Points: Your prospects are wasting too much time using their current provider/solution/products or want to use their time more efficiently
III. Process Pain Points: Your prospects want to improve internal processes, such as assigning leads to sales reps or nurturing lower-priority leads
IV. Support Pain Points: Your prospects aren’t receiving the support they need at critical stages of the customer journey or sales process
Viewing customer pain points in these categories allows you to start thinking about how to position your company or product as a solution to your prospects’ problems, and what is needed to keep them happy. For example, if your prospects’ pain points are primarily financial, you could highlight the features of your product within the context of a lower monthly subscription plan, or emphasize the increased ROI your satisfied customers experience after becoming a client.
However, while this method of categorization is a good start, it is not as simple as identifying price as a pain point before pointing out that your product or service is cheaper than the competition. Many prospective customers’ problems are layered and complex, and may combine issues from several of our categories above. That’s why you need to view your customers’ pain points holistically and present your company as a solution to not just one particularly problematic pain point, but as a trusted partner that can help solve a variety of problems.
Unfortunately, there is no magic set of questions designed to make pain point discovery the same across all industries. The types of questions you ask will vary by business, target audience and individual. Every conversation is different.
What you can do, however, is get into the habit of asking focused, open-ended questions. These are not only perfect conversation starters, but they also allow for a more open and mutually beneficial discussion. Consider the differences in the following real estate examples:
I. Leading question: “Don’t you just love the Victorian style?”
II. Open-ended question: “What do you think of the property?”
The first question not only limits the conversation to Victorian homes but also exposes how you feel about them and how you expect the client to respond. If you really want to focus the discussion on Victorian style homes, try a more neutral question, like, “How do you feel about Victorian homes?”
The second question shows no bias. It allows the client to comment on the property as a whole and pinpoint specific likes and dislikes. For example, the client may be thrilled with the curb side appeal while being disappointed with the limited closet space.
By leaving the question open-ended, you create an opportunity for learning. Therefore, clients can think and converse more freely, and they often learn as much from the discussion as you do, identifying pain points they did not even realize existed. This helps create a sense of urgency and a willingness to accept your expert advice. But you can try these following questions for a change:
1. “What is the biggest challenge you’re currently facing?”: This is a conversation starter, a question that just scratches the surface of the pain as the client feels it. It is designed to get the client talking. You do not know exactly where the conversation will go, but you know you are going to learn something new.
2. “What happens if the pain is left unchecked?”: Once you have identified a pain point, it helps to know what kind of havoc it is wreaking on the customer. Is it costing them time and money on the job or just putting a damper on their online reputation? This type of question helps you assess the risks of doing nothing against the benefits of making a change. It also gives insight into the client’s motivations for wanting to make changes.
3. “What has prevented you from relieving the pain?”: This question not only helps you identify the potential obstacles a client is facing, but also the past and present solutions they’ve used to address the problem. If they have tried other solutions, you have an opportunity to follow up and ask about those experiences, what went wrong and what the client would have changed. Knowing the history can help you pinpoint a better alternative.
4. “How would putting a new system in place solve the problem?”: You may have the perfect solution to the client’s problem, but if their expectations aren’t realistic, they may never be happy with the results. This question is about gauging and setting expectations.
5. “We’ve found that X is a common source of pain for our customers. How do you feel about it?”: Some people have a problem with pain point discovery, and they could use your guidance. They may have gotten so used to dealing with pain, they do not feel it the same way anymore. This type of question helps by providing a frame of reference for the client. You are not trying to sell them anything or lead them to a specific topic. Instead, you are offering up a topic of conversation and allowing them to open about their unique problems in relation to a known pain point.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered about 4 years ago