

Mobile applications

What have you found works/doesn't work when promoting mobile app via twitter? What problems should I avoid?

I have been building a decent sized following on Twitter, right around 15k followers, to help my startup launch our first app. We will likely be near 20-25k by launch date. With that said, there has been a lot of time spent on managing these accounts. Has anyone taken this approach to launching apps? Was it a successful in driving downloads? Any tips on what I should or should not do are greatly appreciated!

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Abinav Thakuri

CRO & UX Consultant.

I have some experience in the past promoting my own services, apps,etc on Twitter. I've been able to build up a pretty good following of around 84.8K followers at the moment. I'm not bragging though because I know a lot of those followers are not targeted because of some mistakes I've done before. But I have been able to correct those mistakes and have very targeted followers now. I used to have 100K+ untargeted followers but I have been able to bring it down to 84.8K followers whose majority is targeted. It took a lot of work and I've been able to learn a lot of things on the way.

You will need to have a structured plan on how you will promote your mobile app to your followers. You can't just promote it right out of nowhere just when you're going to launch. Instead give them some kind of value. Understand your potential users and what is of value to them.

I can't stress enough how you need to be getting targeted followers who really care. I know it's not possible to have 100% targeted followers. But you need to try your best to have the followers who actually care and understand your niche. There a really simple way to do that and that's to only( or at least 80% of the time) tweet about things that are related and of value to your niche market. You could write a few very valuable blog posts and post that on your Twitter. I found that just promoting your product on Twitter is not enough and you could be turned off when you finally announce your launch to your followers and it just doesn't get the results you were hoping for. So don't rely on it too much.

What worked for me is turning those Twitter followers to email subscribers. So what you do is give free high quality value to your followers through excellent valuable blog posts, valuable free short ebooks, etc. Your offering could be anything but just make sure that it's really valuable to your niche market. Now you need to collect their email in exchange of the value you're giving them for free(you can do this using services like Mailchimp,etc). So through this you will have built up an email list of people who are really interested in what you are offering. This is of lot more value than just having the Twitter followers. You can still tweet your launch to them but now you also have a highly valuable email list of people who are more likely to purchase. This way you've filtered your Twitter followers and captured emails from the cream of the crop!

There are a lot more detailed and highly valuable lessons I've learned and I'd be happy to go in detail and answer any question you have through a call.

Answered about 10 years ago

Kevin Sablan

Clarity Expert

Find people on Twitter who are experiencing a problem that your app can solve. For example, if your app brightens photos, search on twitter for ["too dark" camera] (without the brackets). You'll quickly find people who could use your app. Reach out to them by replying, making sure to express your sympathy, and offering them your solution. With a little work, you can quickly spot "influential" Twitter users, and focus on them, making sure to maintain your relationship with them and sharing their success on your site or through your Twitter accounts. You can use Twitter to convert frustrated people into happy customers, and then share their story with your followers.

Answered about 10 years ago

Donna chou

App promotion expert

Others have given you the details about promoting app on Twitter. You should also promote your app on the app stores, because over 65% users discover new apps by browsing or searching on the app stores. Here are some effective ways to promote app on the app stores:

Boost app ranking
When people searching for new apps, most of them just browsing the top 10 apps, then if your app rank to top 10, you can expect lots of downloads. Follow the following methods to boost your app ranking on the app stores:
· App Store Optimization
· Gather Traffic and Downloads
· Engagement and Retention
· Regularly Update and Upgrade
· Reduce App Size

Maximize Keywords
In addition to incorporating keywords into your description, app stores also ask you to list search terms relevant to the app in the “keywords” section. Include as many keywords as the form will allow to make sure your app is as visible as possible in app stores search engine.Use shorter keywords so you get more key phrase combinations - The more keywords you have, the more possible your app will be get discovered and installed.

Gather app ratings and reviews
As we know, most people prefer to download an app which has much more positive reviews and higher ratings. And data shows that 94% users would like to download those 4-5 rating apps and 75% users will take the app reviews as one of the most important reference factors to judge the app. Besides guide your users leave positive feedback on your app.You can also get app ratings and reviews from third parties(Reviewapp4u is a good choice -

Hope the 3 methods are useful to u.

Answered about 7 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Twitter advertising is an opportunity for your brand to promote its products and reach new users who might be interested in what your brand offers. Considering there are many ultra-simple Twitter ad formats and no minimum advertising budget, now is a great time to consider running your first Twitter ad. Promoted Tweets look a lot like regular Tweets. Promoted Tweets can also contain video and will auto play in users’ timelines. If the video is less than 60 seconds, then the video loops. Promoted Tweets, like this example from Subway, appear in targeted users’ timelines, on user profiles, at the top of search results and in the Twitter mobile and desktop apps. It targets users who do not already follow your brand and can help grow your business’s Twitter following. Promoted Accounts are displayed in potential followers’ timelines. Users can interact with a Promoted Trend in the same way they would interact with any other trending topic. What is different is that the spot a brand purchases will display as ‘Promoted’ for targeted users. When users click on the Promoted Trend, they will see search results for that topic with a promoted Tweet from your brand at the top. In January 2020, Twitter took this ad format one step further. Like this example from Disney+, this ad format complements Promoted Trends by supporting video and GIFS, as well as static images. Currently, this ad format is available in 15 countries. Twitter Moments can be created on desktop and are basically a curated collection of similar Tweets that tell a story. Your brand Tweets as it usually would, then Twitter Promote Mode automatically promotes your Tweets and your brand’s profile. Basically, the first 10 Tweets your brand creates each day are added to a Promoted Tweets campaign and your selected audience is targeted. Twitter Promote Mode also runs a Promoted Account campaign. It costs a flat rate of USD$99 per month, and on average, your Tweets will reach an additional 30,000 people. For your first Twitter ads campaign, you’ll probably want to stick to one ad group. But as you get more comfortable with Twitter ads, split up your campaign into categories to target different audiences, use different creative, or test different budgets and timing. If you choose automatic bidding, Twitter will set your bid to get the best results at the lowest price based on your budget. The targeting options help you choose the right audience for your ad and maximize your budget. Define your audience by gender, age, location, language and technology. The ‘Audience features’ section allows you to target your ad to users based on specific interests like events, interests, and behaviours, and even the specific keywords and TV shows users Tweet about. To help guide you, the interface provides an estimated audience size summary that changes as you add more targeting options to your campaign.
Problems that you might face are as follows:
1. Hashtag Hell: Knowing which elements to use and when is crucial for your campaign. Hashtags may be a great way to join the conversation for organic tweets but in a promoted campaign any engagement with your ads is going to be costing you.

2. Account Bounces: Your profile is the first place they will look, but if they see a few dodgy tweets that you’ve bashed out in the last couple of hours about your Halloween party, they might not be that impressed. A pinned tweet is a great way to look your best and drive this traffic to your site for the next step in your conversion funnel.

3. Wrong time of the day: Promoting tweets at times of the day when your target users aren’t active will also be pretty fruitless. Knowing when your users are active will help you target both organic and promoted tweets at the right time.

4. Sloppy Campaigns: Adding too many targeting options in one campaign is only going to muddy the water. To see how each targeting group is performing you should break them into separate campaigns as much as possible in the time you have.

5. Tweet repetition: Not adding enough tweet variations to a campaign is going to severely limit your reach. Make sure you have enough tweets within a campaign to get maximum exposure.

6. Reporting Boo Boos: With any new platform you are new to you’ve got to be super confident of each metric. This shows all interactions with the tweet and this can mean a big difference to the performance of the campaign.

7. Ignoring Mobile: 75% of Twitter users access the platform through a mobile device. A heavy proportion of people who come to your site from the Twitter platform are going to be expecting a mobile optimised experience. Use the options to target for devices and think about your site’s capabilities or consider a simplified landing page that considers the usability of a mobile device.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered almost 4 years ago