


To the film producers out there. How are you billing for shoot pre production? Items like pre pro planning, concept development etc.

In other words. Are you just charging a day rate, a percentage/fee of the total budget, both? Thanks for any help.

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Tracy Benham

Health - Fitness - Adventure Advocate.

Depends on size of project, time and location commitment. Day, project, hourly and change fees are all common for our small team. Large companies offer different pricing structures.

Answered almost 10 years ago

Matias Alvarez

I'm a powerhouse at creative strategy & planning.

I always take the project size into consideration. Also are they new clients or returning? Studios/Networks will usually make an offer based on the scope of the work and size of the project.

Day rates aren't always the best route because you usually won't have a great idea of what it will take until you get into it and it's easy to underbid your time unless you have worked for them before.

Last note. Don't work on the promise of getting paid when the project goes. Often they don't.

Answered almost 10 years ago


Award winning entrepreneur based in St. Louis

Hello! We always bill on a day rate. Minimum is half day of pre-production. Even if it is a very simple project, this have day of pre-production will cover you for all the work that you will do before you start the shoot.

If you would like more details on billing, or how my company does billing for all aspects of production, let's get a call scheduled!

Answered almost 10 years ago