

Mobile applications

My IOS game app is lost in the sea of apps. How can I grab more attention and spike sales?

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Alvin Singh

Author. Entrepreneur. Technologist

You can start by having a text to download sign up on your website. I use Link Texting. You can also create a landing page that can build a email listing so that you can send emails to people who are interested in your app features. Read a article by Kevin Kelly called 1,000 True Fans.

Answered about 9 years ago

Anina Net

CEO of 360Fashion Network

You can have an offline event and introduce your app to the media and first movers. You can participate in events like Techcrunch in San Francisco or we are preparing an event in November for technology companies to promote themselves. You can join Mobile Monday events and network with people to introduce your app. You can keep a blog and write about the usefulness of your app targeting SEO keywords. You can go on forums and search conversations on the web talking about your topic and leave comments linking to the landing page Alvin mentioned or to the download of the app. You can pay for app advertising--there are many programs. You can make videos talking about your app and post them on forums in facebook etc.

Answered about 9 years ago

HsuanHua Chang

Executive / business coaching

Do you have good reviews? That would be the first step to establish in order to attract more downloads.

App description is important too. I was looking for a mileage tracker app yesterday and the one I chose had a simple and yet complete description to tell me what the app does.

Leveraging influencers in the field can be effective. Do you know who has a huge social media following and would likely enjoy your game? Reach out and make friends.

For organic growth, you do need to promote it through social media tools. Therefore, growing social media following is important and being a resource for IOS app development will establish the social media engagement.

Good luck!

Answered about 9 years ago

Jonathan Updyke

Everything is sales!

After being a gamer for years always searching for the next big or even the next good thing I have found the best way to be discovered (if you have a good/wanted product) is an in game advertising on a pay per view design. Many successful games, personally defined as a game with over a million downloads (usually free downloads) use in game advertisements to supplement their game being free. Considering the cost of the in game currency you are awarded for viewing the adds are about 300 views for 5$ it can get your game/app to a lot of people while incurring minimal costs to overhead. You can also set maximum views per day and so forth if you are trying to adhere to an advertising budget. Feel free to call me for more details on this method.

Answered about 9 years ago

JC Garrett

Helping you plan/execute tech & sales strategies

In an ideal world you can drive downloads through in-app advertising/media buying. I would consider putting together a small budget for Facebook Ads for Apps (nearly 60% of all FB traffic is mobile and the average click cost is $.27 per). Then you can roll-up a look-alike campaign to target specific potential users nearing the profile similarity of your current power users (this is all done through a pretty easy-to-use portal within Facebook ads). FB certainly isn't the only platform, but I would argue one of the easiest to activate and scale.

Is your app free to play with IAP or is there a download cost? You may want to consider sending free memberships to bloggers or other connectors in the gaming arena to get their input so they can share with their engaged audiences via social media etc.

There are a myriad of ways and means to drive downloads towards your app - some are costly, others only require sweat equity. You should find tactics that match your target audience and your games brand messaging so your request comes across as authentic and to the right potential group of people. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to connect and explore other ideas. Best of luck!

Answered about 9 years ago

Christina Aldan

Speaker, Trainer, and Brand Strategy Consultant

As mentioned already, a multi-faceted marketing strategy is essential to driving traffic to your app. Suggest using instagram's new feature for buying your app if your users are on inatagram. Facebook ads may also help drive traffic (but only if your app is targeted towards facebook users). Make sure you are creating updates and new features regularly and notifying your fans by email. Build your email list with a landing page that captures their email. In return for signing up for your news and updates, give people a free tips sheet. Keep a blog and regularly post stories about your game development and about game characters.

Answered about 9 years ago

Giuliano Senese

Founder @ Time Table

I have been in the Mobile space for the last five years and this is one of the most recurring issues my clients come to me with. What you should do is analyze how many different apps there are for that specific game. For example if your app is another version of 2048, you're going to have a hard time attaining market share unless you have a vast amount of capital. I would advise you on creating a advertising campaign to attract more users to your game. However, before putting more money into it, do research on wether it is even feasible doing so due to the vast amount of apps that are already out there. If you have any follow up questions, I am available to take your call. I am currently doing a one-time free 15 minute call so send me a message for the link.

Kind regards,


Answered about 9 years ago

Donna chou

App promotion expert

Hi there, when people discover new apps on the App Store, most people just browsing the top10 apps, then if you want to grab more attention, one of the best ways is boosting app ranking on the App Store.

app store optimization, which aims to boost app ranking on the App Store, it's the best choice for you to promote your app. You can do it by optimizing the following factors:

Getting the right keywords - keywords play an important role in the App Store algorithm. You should take relevance, competition, and traffic into consideration.

After getting the keywords, you should place them in app title, subtitle, keywords field, developer name and the name of in-app purchase items to increase your app ranking.

For new apps, you can target relevant keywords with low competition and lower search volumes first, which are much easier to rank for. Of course, if your budget is enough, you can get keyword search installs( to assist the ASO, which can boost app ranking in hours, highly recommend.

There is one more effective way to increase your app visibility, it's applying for awards. It can give you tons of press, exposure, reviews and plenty of downloads.These are many famous app awards sites, such as Appy Awards, Best App Ever Awards, AppCircus competition, Apple Design Awards, etc.

Hope these methods are useful to you.

Answered about 7 years ago