


How can I earn $2,000 monthly using Google adsense?

Hi, I know web designing and programming, and I can create a website and can setup an Google adsense account, but as you can understand gaining organic traffic from Google is very tough these days and it also requires lot of time to build reputation to get free traffic from google. Could you please help me with following questions: 1. What kind of industry should I consider so that I can get easy traffic in a very, very short amount of time, considering the fact that my only objective is to reach $2000 monthly. 2. What could be the most efficient way to get traffic in this case 3. Should I use Wordpress blog or design my website from scratch (any other suggestions?) 4. Is there another easy way to get money for my website apart from Google adsense?

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TJ Kelly

Expert in B2B Sales + Marketing, HubSpot & SEO

1. What kind of industry should I consider so that I can get easy traffic in a very, very short amount of time, considering the fact that my only objective is to reach $2000 monthly.

Health/wellness/nutrition/fitness are usually quick, high-interest industries. Definitely high-competition, though. Saturated market already.

2. What could be the most efficient way to get traffic in this case

Efficient? Buy it from Adwords. COST efficient? Organic/SEO. But organic takes time and lots of energy in content production and promotion.

3. Should I use Wordpress blog or design my website from scratch (any other suggestions?)

I prefer WordPress for nearly everything. Unless you have some specific reason not to, I recommend choosing WordPress.

4. Is there another easy way to get money for my website apart from Google adsense?

Yes, definitely. Adsense is actually a VERY low payout method of monetizing traffic.

Look into CPA marketing, or cost-per-acquisition. Affiliate marketing sites are also good options. Both take time and effort, however.

$2k/mo in web traffic revenue is a lot for solo publishers. That's an ambitious goal. Chase it, definitely. But think outside the box a bit. Adsense won't get you to $2k/mo anytime soon.

If there were (legitimate) get-rich-quick schemes lying around on the web, we'd all be doing them!

Answered over 8 years ago

Evan Weber

Digital Marketing Expert

1. you should go towards niches that are costly through Google Adwords. There are tools that tell you this like Something like Attorneys, Lawyers, Doctors, Insurance, and other types of service businesses, maybe like plumbers or home improvement types of projects (flooring, roofing, etc.)
2. Post original content. as much per day as possible. I would consider posting 30-50 times per day unique posts to the site if you want to get a lot of traffic. I would also launch a pop-up on the site to ask for their email address in exchange for a valuable list of secrets of some type, like how to save money on getting home improvement projects done for instance.
3. Wordpress for sure. Make sure you have a clean, mobile optimized theme. Make sure to add plugins like popups, sharing links, and maybe a forum if you plan to moderate it, that way you can have users generate content for you which there is nothing better than this as long as it's all good content. Most people spend too much time messing around with their website, when instead they should be posting as much unique, fresh content as possible. You can also hire people to write for you and/or pay college students to write content. The cheaper the better as long as they can write decently. You may have to give them the topics.
4. You can join affiliate programs. You ca become a merchant yourself and sell products through your website or blog, by using which is a great platform to sell on. You can find vendors to sell their products, in which case the content on the site would match those products. With Shopify, you can still create the blog with Wordpress and add Buy it Now buttons on your blog from Shopify! Cool stuff! I hope this helps. This is very accurate strategy, if you don't follow this you will not achieve those traffic levels. I have been doing this for 20 years. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you

Answered almost 8 years ago

Leo B

AdSense Revenue Optimization & Flippa Investor

You need high traffic AND/OR high CPC content.

There are many high cost per click "keywords", and I won't list them all (your best tool to research this is SemRush), but for example, "credit cards" is pretty profitable.

Key is to have a combination of both - good traffic + "good keyword content".

It's also best to have traffic from US/Canada (UK/Western Europe/Australia/NZ) for highest paying ads.

Answered almost 7 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

I will answer the primary question you have asked because I believe that earning using Google AdSense is the problem that is haunting you badly. Let us look at the ways that will help you earn $2000 monthly:
i. Read and adhere to Google's rules: Webmasters must comply with Google's webmaster policies, as well as the AdSense program policy.
ii. Don't click on your own ads or ask others to click on them: Incentivizing clicks, buying Pay Per Click (PPC) space, or using a program designed to drive traffic to AdSense pages are against the rules. Remember, Google is not very forgiving about breaking the rules, so be sure to adhere to them.
iii. Have great content your target market wants to read: Ultimately, money is made, whether through AdSense or other monetization methods, by providing valuable content and quality traffic to your blog or website.
iv. Use honest, organic traffic-building website marketing techniques: Search engine optimization and article marketing are effective in getting free traffic to your site.
v. Make sure your website/blog is optimized for mobile (responsive): The number of people who use mobile devices is high. Also make sure you're using responsive ads so Google can send appropriate ad sizes to mobile devices viewing your site.
vi. Test ad types and placement to find the options that lead to the most income: Start with standard sizes (300×250, 728×90, and 160×600), and then switch them out to see if one size leads to more clicks than another.
vii. Max out your ad placement: You're allowed three standard ad placements per page. Use them all for maximum benefit.
viii. Have ads above the fold: This is the section of your page that is viewable without scrolling.
ix. Have a leader board ad below your header/logo: Instead of putting an ad at the very top of the page, put it near your logo where it is more likely to be noticed.
x. Include in-content ads for visibility: This means having ads within your articles, which can increase clicks because they will be seen during reading the post.
xi. Monitor your results: Google can overwhelm you with tools and feedback but do your best to analyse your data to see what it says about your results so you can make the most of your effort.
xii. Read email from Google: This can be especially important if Google is sending a warning about something it does not like on your site. Failure to deal with Google's complaints will lead to termination in the program.

Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered almost 4 years ago