A 14 day free trial without requiring any form of payment as collateral is being offered. Adjusting the price on the product for leverage is not an option.
Business Strategist & Conversion Expert
Demos and free trials seem to be the only ways SaaS vendors can think about selling.
Funny thing: the same issues that plagued the IT field ten years ago (!) continue today.
The answer is in education. I don't mean teaching the prospect for free; I mean as the seller educating yourself on the true state of the target market so you can begin the sales conversation on ground they already believe in...and using education as a tool to bring the prospect around to your point of view.
I've made a couple videos and written a couple blog posts on the topic. Here they are:
Why Demos Fail to Sell:
Blog post:
SaaS Sales Problems:
Blog post:
If you want to develop an effective sales funnel for your SaaS, book a call and let's get started. Given the jump in expertise required, it's probably not something you're going to figure out correctly on your own in a short time, and I can save you that time--and those lost sales.
Answered over 8 years ago
Growth Advisor/CRO in Ecom, Travel, Crypto markets
My answer is:
- Leveraging exceptional success stories based on your previous clients.
- Great engaging videos directly from the landing page.
- Building a newsletter strategy sharing weekly articles about how your clients are growing their businesses week by week
- Delayed first payment on the first month to give them time to install and learn how to use the platform
- Substitute the trial time with an engaging webinar that includes a Q&A
To talk about how to apply these strategies and with which apps let's book a call.
I advised many marketing SAAS companies to improve their business models in the past years.
Answered over 8 years ago