

Marketing Strategy

What marketing strategy should I use if I am about to launch a mobile app?

Any advice i can get on marketing strategy please? Facebook ads, PPC? I have a limited budget.

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Mohammed J

Product Discovery, Design, Marketing and Mgmt

It depends.

Do you have a documented view of your prospective customer journey?. If not, this is a thing you should

You must have heard this before. Any product or service could be a vitamin (good to have), pain killer(temporary relief) or a pain reliever (long term relief). What kind of product you have decides the kind of Marketing Strategy.

You go to a super market for vitamins, a drug store for pain killer and a hospital for pain relief. Juxtapose this with your channels for marketing.

We can have a call if you wish to discuss more. I am quite affordable. Call Me.

Answered almost 7 years ago

JC Garrett

Helping you plan/execute tech & sales strategies

This is a very common question for folks looking to launch an application. It's funny because people spend all of this time developing product features and building and engaging experience but often get to the end of that road realizing they are less than fully prepared to get the app in the hands of their target users. The good news is you aren't alone, and there are a ton of ways to get your app marketed towards the intended group. The not so good news is that there isn't a silver bullet, one size fits all solution. The even more so not so good news is you have a limited budget (which limits even further your options to rollout a comprehensive marketing plan.) But dont worry, many boostrapped entrepreneurs have been able to go out and get their first downloads using sweat equity and a little bit of luck. There are some "check the box" tasks you can handle now (many of which are outlined in various blog posts out there.) In addition, there are some other things you can consider like utilizing social media to build an audience, leveraging a blog to drive SEO (free traffic is better than paid traffic) and build credibility with your audience, and even some offline/brick and mortar style strategies you can consider as well. A big part of how to market starts with where your users are already and what their affinity is for being marketed to through various channels. Once you start there you can consider working your way back towards some simple, but effective solutions to start getting your first downloads. It won't be easy, but it can be done.

Happy to connect and share more ideas and app-specific strategies you can consider.

Answered almost 7 years ago

Marius Kraemer

No. 1 Bitcoin writer on Quora

Yes, you can use paid ads, Facebook, Google etc., but it won't get you far if you don't have $100k+ funding.

What you need is something that gives you 100,000 users while spending $0. This is the task of a founder, and it's difficult. Possibilities are Guerilla Marketing, PR-Stunt, Partnerships with bigger brands and a lot more. Let me know if you want to find an idea.

Answered almost 7 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

You need to understand and exploit the mobile marketplace and use the right marketing techniques to get people to want, use, and talk about your app.
1. Understand Your Competitors
Nothing is going to hurt your app marketing strategy more than being an imitation or being “late to the party” with something similar.

2. Prepare Your Press Kit & Other Materials
You will need to make sure that, depending on your level of marketing, you have both physical and electronic press kits available for the relevant press and promotion groups.

3. Optimize Your App Store Page
Optimizing your pages on app stores is a critical, ground zero strategy. So, in the same way, that your website is essentially the digital equivalent of your storefront, and must be treated that way concerning welcoming customers, your app store page is your product, on the shelf, trying to distinguish itself from all the other competing products. You must create an effective store page.

4. Get Reviews
It is not unusual for customers to research their purchases, and apps are no exception. Your own marketing and promotion of the benefits of a product are important, but people already expect you, the developer, to promote your product. However, an independent third party, such as a random user review or even an informed, professional review from a website with a focus or knowledge of what your app provides, lends a lot more weight than a «biased promotion» from the software developer. Reach out to customers and reviewers and get those positive reviews lined up.

5. Use Influencers
Only rather than needing to convince a well-known athlete or film star to use and talk about your product for a 30-second commercial or print ad, you get a notable YouTube, Twitter, Switch or other social media platform influencer to promote your product. This sponsored ad can be in the form of a blog post, a video on YouTube, a Tweet on Twitter, or photos on Instagram. Working out deals with influencers is often much cheaper than securing a celebrity endorsement, but it can be far more effective when correctly targeted.

6. Monitor Results
Once the app is on the market, and the app marketing is underway, that doesn't mean your marketing efforts are over. At the same time, you should also monitor the analytics coming in from your marketing efforts. If you see that some strategies are yielding more fruit than others, such as videos, then put more efforts into those that are working and start cutting down or adjusting the plans that are less effective.

7. Do not Forget SEO
You should also apply SEO to your marketing efforts. Learn the tools and technologies needed to meet the challenges of tomorrow with a Professional Diploma in Social Media Marketing.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered almost 4 years ago