

Marketing Strategy

Online tutoring is still a trending business?

what are your point of view about online tutoring services? Do you see a potential market? And what should be different from what we have?

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Devrig Bornet

Chief Executive Officer at

As a professional coach the market is smaller but it is geared towards key skills I would love to talk to you about the current market and business plans.

Answered about 4 years ago

Clara Quintero

Knowledge in digital marketing and advertising

Absolutely. Now more than ever it is a market that still has a lot to offer. With the current situation, more tools will be developed to support this service and the education will have (we are already experiencing it) a total online adaptation in which the most benefited will be those tutors capable of offering innovative methods in every way

Answered about 4 years ago

Ripul Chhabra

AI & MVP Expert

Reasons why online tutoring is still a trending business:
1. EASE, CONVENIENCE & ACCESSIBILITY to a big pool of duly screened, properly tested, thoroughly trained, experienced & quality teachers from across India & abroad
2. BETTER QUALITY TEACHERS are made available at low rates as compared to offline tuition as the teacher doesn’t have to waste time & money in commuting to student’s home or to a tuition center.
3. MORE ECONOMICAL & AFFORDABLE for the student as it saves precious time & money that is wasted in commuting and provides better quality teachers at relatively low rates vis a vis offline tuition.
4. MORE FLEXIBILITY in the commencement of course schedule, time schedule, class schedule & class duration.
5. FULL INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION in 1 to 1 class or one to a few short group classes. The teacher provides personalized attention to a student based on the student's learning level, learning pace & learning requirements.
7. SPECIALISED TEACHER for each subject under one roof & for all classes.
11. BETTER PRESENTATION & LECTURE DELIVERY: Teaching Care live classes have two way live interactive classroom with real-time audio-video communication with the teacher. The classroom has an online whiteboard for writing, typing, rubbing, erasing, PowerPoint presentation, showing images, pdf file, word file, youtube video & animation video. The classroom also has provisions for chatting, code writing, and automatic class recording for revision.
You can ask doubts during the class and clear all doubts instantly during the class from the teacher.

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Answered about 4 years ago

Ankush Mahajan

Clarity Expert

Considering school & other learning institutes will remain close for the next 4-5 months. Online tutoring is one of the hottest business ideas at this time. According to Statista, the global market for e-learning platform is expected to reach over $243 billion in 2022.

In the following blog post you can read, what are the opportunities in Online Learning for EduPreneurs:

Answered about 4 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Pandemic has really stifled the education system, most of the schools and colleges are closed and those that are opened are strictly following social distancing norms. While universities with robust digital capabilities were better equipped to make the transition, under-resourced institutions struggled to provide a quality remote learning experience in such a tight timeframe. Unfortunately, as we approach the upcoming academic year, the virus is still spreading across the globe, and universities must face an uncertain semester. Some institutions are planning to reopen with safety measures in place, many are going fully remote for the semester, while others are planning a hybrid approach. The following points will give a clear picture. These are as follows:
1. Digital Capacity and governance: Currently, less than 3 percent of overall education expenditure is spent on technology. That's not nearly enough. The pandemic has made a coherent digital strategy, and a respected digital leader backed by a team focused on its execution more critical than ever. For example, the University of Michigan's Centre for Academic Innovation supports digital education and provides global, lifelong learning experiences. It features a portfolio of digital tools to help faculty reach thousands of students on campus and institutions worldwide. A centre as robust as Michigan's requires funding and resources, but universities can be practical and take the first step by forming a small committee whose primary responsibility is to build a digital roadmap and execute on it. Once you have agreed on your strategy, set strong governance in place. Create a set of digital readiness criteria that you regularly measure each department against to evaluate your university's overall progress. Department heads and deans already meet regularly; the implementation of your strategy and progress against the roadmap should be at the top of the agenda.
2. Curriculum readiness: Now is the time to take stock of your existing digital catalogue. What percentage of your curriculum is currently online? Consider whether you have the capacity to design new online content or if you need to integrate courseware from other top institutions until you have resources available to build your library. This crisis is also an opportunity to reinvent how you structure content and prepare students for the workforce. With more students planning gap years or taking academic breaks due to family or health obligations, it is crucial to embrace flexibility - consider incorporating more modular, stackable courseware into your curriculum. For example, the online Google IT Support Certificate prepares learners for in-demand entry-level IT jobs. The University of London, North-eastern University, and the University of North Texas accept the certificate for academic credit for those admitted to specific degree programs. The certificate enables students to make progress toward a degree affordably and in a way that suits their circumstances while earning a recognized credential along the way.
3. Communication: Students will need and demand frequent communications about reopening strategies, safety protocols, remote learning options, and more. Ensure you have a self-serve communications infrastructure that regularly updates students - relying solely on email bulletins will not be as effective. Students need an interactive intranet resource they can reliably turn to for the latest information. Implement a similar infrastructure for your faculty and staff, many of whom are also new to online education. For example, the Keep Teaching portal at Duke University provides faculty with resources and strategies to continue their classes online or in a blended environment.
4. Community: When campuses are fully or partially shut down, students can feel isolated in their learning experience. Building a virtual community is another way to embody compassion and help students collaborate and engage with course material. Professors of the University of Illinois iMBA program use Zoom to host live sessions with students to discuss course material and solve problems in a hands-on manner. Faculty can foster knowledge sharing among the students themselves via Slack groups or similar communication tools. Students at Harvard University developed a platform called Congregate, which enables users to host gatherings where participants can divide themselves into dynamic conversation rooms. It aims to replicate how groups of students work together while teaching fellows circle the room to provide feedback. Professors should also incorporate peer reviews more substantively and offer opportunities to co-author essays or co-present projects. Students will feel more connected with their peers and the course material.
5. Three guiding principles- Flexibility, practicality, and compassion: The notion of trust in our context involves all three guiding principles of flexibility, practicality, and compassion. Many faculty and administrators believe that a face-to-face environment is necessary for students to pay attention and truly learn. After all, that is the way they learned. Successfully teaching online requires a shift in fundamental thinking. Trust that the learning is happening, even if you are not there to see it. If you have not already, it is time to flip your classrooms. Assign asynchronous learning opportunities - these can be high-quality online courses from other institutions if you do not have an extensive digital catalogue - and use live class time for virtual discussion. Assessments shouldn't be about whether students can memorize information but should measure how well a student understands and can apply what they've learned. Medical students at Imperial College London recently sat for an open-book final exam, allowing students to access any resource material they needed. The upcoming school year will be challenging for university administrators, faculty, and students as they navigate this dynamic situation. Remote learning can be successful with the right tools and strategies. No matter where you are in your digital journey, leading with practicality, flexibility, and compassion will help you support your staff and students through this challenging time.
People are thinking this way because scientists and researchers have found the following facts on Covid-19. These facts are:
1. Outbreaks of COVID-19 can happen anywhere: There was a lot of wishful thinking and othering (as in: it’s those other people’s problem) in the first months of the pandemic: Chinese people got it because of where they buy their groceries. Italian people got it because they greet each other with kisses on the cheeks. People on cruise ships got it because of the buffets. People in nursing homes got it because they are frail. People in New York got it because the city is crowded. Now we know that outbreaks can happen in urban areas, rural areas, suburbs, and any culture around the world.
2. COVID-19 can sicken and kill anyone: The first victims of the pandemic were disproportionately older or had existing health conditions. Age and frailty are still risk factors for serious disease and death, but we now know the disease can kill young and healthy people. It can kill young adults. It can kill teenagers. It can kill children.
3. Contaminated surfaces are not the main danger: Early on, public health experts advised people to wash their hands frequently (while singing “Happy Birthday” twice), disinfect surfaces and avoid touching their face. This was based on studies of how other diseases spread, such as norovirus and viruses that cause the common cold. It’s still a good idea to wash your hands regularly (and avoid handshakes), but now we know that surfaces aren’t the main vector for SARS-CoV-2.
4. It is in the air: At first, experts thought the virus was spread primarily through globs of mucus and saliva expelled when people cough or sneeze. They thought these droplets were heavy enough to drop out of the air quickly. Based on early cases of hospital spread, the virus seemed to be aerosolized—that is, lofted into the air in particles small enough to float—only by certain medical procedures such as placing someone on a ventilator. But we now know that the virus is expelled in a range of droplet sizes, with some particles small enough to persist in the air, especially in indoor, poorly ventilated spaces.
5. Many people are infectious without being sick: Other respiratory diseases make people cough and sneeze. The original SARS outbreak made people so sick, so quickly, that most of them went to the hospital. Temperature checks and telling sick people to stay home can stop symptomatic diseases from spreading, and in the first months of the pandemic, many countries started screening people at their borders to detect these cases. But the biggest challenge for stopping SARS-CoV-2 is that many apparently healthy people spread the disease without symptoms or before symptoms start, simply through talking and breathing.
6. Warm summer weather will not stop the virus: Influenza is a seasonal respiratory disease that peaks in the winter, and some experts hoped the spread of COVID-19 would show a similar pattern and slow in the Northern Hemisphere during the spring and summer. Now we know that people’s behaviour, regardless of season, is the strongest predictor of whether the disease will spread.
7. Masks work: When the pandemic began, experts worried that mass mask-buying could exacerbate shortages of personal protective equipment for health care workers and others who needed them. They also warned that masks might make people complacent about social distancing and that cloth or paper masks (unlike N95 surgical masks) can’t stop the smallest aerosolized viral particles. Now we know that masks can greatly reduce the amount of virus that people expel into the air while speaking, and that masks protect people who are wearing them—not perfectly, but enough to reduce transmission of the disease.
8. Racism, not race, is a risk factor: The pandemic should put an end to the common misconception that race, a social construct, is a biological explanation for health disparities. COVID-19 has disproportionately killed people of colour in the United States. This is not because of genetic differences but because of systemic racism that has isolated and impoverished many Native American people and made Black and Latinx people more likely to have “essential” jobs that expose them to infection, a greater burden of stress and less access to high-quality health care.
9. Misinformation kills: The president of the United States, other politicians, anti-vaccine activists, and members of the right-wing media, to their everlasting shame, have used the pandemic to stoke racism, spread misinformation and amplify conspiracy theories. Their followers have threatened health officials, including Tony Fauci and his family; refused to wear masks; refused to cooperate with contact tracers; and rejected proven basic public health advice about social distancing. Representative Louie Gohmert, who refused to wear a mask in the Capitol and reportedly discouraged his staff and interns from wearing masks, tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and is being treated with hydroxychloroquine, a drug that Trump has endorsed but that has failed in clinical trials. Trump supporter Herman Cain died of COVID-19 on July 30, weeks after attending a rally in Tulsa without a mask. Calls to poison-control centres spiked after Trump speculated that injecting or ingesting disinfectants could protect against the coronavirus. Early evidence suggests people who watched Fox News were more likely to downplay the pandemic, worsening the spread. The most important public health measure during a pandemic of a disease with no cure or vaccine—as many countries around the world that have controlled the virus have shown—is to help experts share clear, trustworthy, accurate, actionable information based on the best evidence. Spreading lies has spread this disease.
To bring sustainable learning during Covid-19 times consider the following points:
1. Need for sustainability amid Covid-19: Amidst claims of zoonosis being responsible for the rapid advance of Covid-19, the ongoing crisis has prompted us to rethink our conventional practices and rebuild a sustainable, resilient and inclusive society. It has also underscored the significance of maintaining a symbiotic relationship with nature. The drop in greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality has appeared as a silver lining amidst the pandemic. Experts argue that the post-Covid-19 era will fundamentally alter the way of living; some of it might not return to pre-Covid days. Hence it is important to bring about a long-lasting behavioural change to live in harmony with nature.
2. Role of stakeholders: The stakeholders in the education sector should perceive Covid-19 to learn some lifelong lessons from this pandemic and make a paradigm shift towards an eco-friendly mode of education. It is perhaps one of the most efficient ways to ensure uninterrupted learning and make our planet habitable for future generations. Students are leaders of tomorrow and sensitizing them towards the environment will have a positive impact for generations to come. The UN Assembly has already recognized the role of Education for Sustainable Development as a medium to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. This model will also help us to understand the disparities in access to education, tools to address the gaps in education and transform ideas into concrete solutions for the community. The role of cognitive learning, analytical thinking and problem-solving skills will be the key to tackling environmental challenges that confront our planet.
3. Eco-friendly measures to ensure sustainable education: The current Covid-19 crisis has shown the potential of human beings and the community to quickly respond to crises, collaborate to find the best solutions and work with limited resources to mitigate the challenges. The Education for Sustainable Development model will help us in tackling dual challenges-that of health and well-being and climate change. E-learning and the Internet are the best resources to reduce carbon footprint in education. While the students can access their study material online and use digital platforms like YouTube to maintain the momentum of academics, teachers can encourage students to embrace eco- friendly measures such as using recyclable paper, avoiding the use of plastic bags and minimizing the use of paper.
As you can conclude from the above, online tutoring is the best way of teaching in these Covid-19 times. Byju’s raised USD500 million taking its valuation to over USD10.8 billion. While Byjus is the most valued ed-tech company in the world, China and the US have dominated the list of ed-tech unicorns. But the number of Indian companies has been growing. Uncademy joined it with its latest Series F funding and Eruditus is quite close. Tutoring is the segment which has seen the most ed-tech unicorns globally — and that has become a critical segment in the post Covid-19 world. India, with over 260 million school kids and a significant youth population, is today a magnet for ed-tech, and specially the tutoring segment. Meanwhile, the mean ed-tech unicorn valuation globally is at USD2.4 billion, a figure within the grasp of some of the Indian ed-tech firms. A likely stop, sooner than later, could be a stream of ed-tech IPOs.
The annual rate of students who will enroll in online tutoring services worldwide is expected to double over the next few years. The global K-12 online tutoring market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.75 percent from 2017-2021, up from a CAGR of about 6 percent from 2016-2020, according to a recent report from Technavio. The K–12 segment of the online tutoring market was valued at $63.57 billion in 2016 and is forecasted to be $120.67 billion by 2021.
The London-based tech market research firm has identified the top three emerging marketing trends expected to impact the market between 2017 and 2021:
1. The emergence of virtual learning.
2. Mobile-based online tutoring services; and
3. Increasing customization of tutoring services.
With virtual classrooms on the rise worldwide, the adoption of web conferencing tools like Google Hangouts, Syncpad and Skype are increasing in use. Additionally, apps like WizIQ Virtual Classroom Application and Eduwizards that provide collaboration tools for virtual classrooms are expected to penetrate the market. The report also highlights the rise of m-learning methods capable of providing real-time feedback and data. A range of apps provide students flexibility with on-demand individual instruction and support from expert online tutors. Key vendors include Fleet Education Services, Pearson Education and Skooli. Finally, analytical applications that create customized learning content and paths for individual students was identified as a major trend to drive market growth. Services like Kaplan, for example, offer online customization tools for students enrolled in exam preparatory courses that can help track their performance.
Potential markets can be those countries which are hardest hit by Covid-19 like U.S., India and Brazil, Russia. The advantages of Online tutoring as compared to traditional education system is as follows:
Online Tutoring is Primarily Convenient: The convenience of online tutors cannot be beat. They are available at practically any time, can work around your schedule, and you can complete assignments when the time is right for you. You can find all kinds of tutors from all over the world, and you can choose to learn about any topic you can possibly imagine. Some children may feel more comfortable learning digitally rather than face-to-face. Either way, online tutoring will prepare a child to live in a world connected by Internet, helping them develop basic typing, online networking, communication, and research skills. Online tutors are typically able to give students more of their attention because they do not need to worry about traveling. It is also often cheaper than traditional tutoring.
Traditional Tutoring is Live and In-Person: There will never be a substitute for the kind of personal, authentic relationship a child can develop with their tutor. This can create an incredibly positive atmosphere that encourages learning and speedy progress. A student will never be able to have this kind of relationship while they interact only through a screen. Traditional tutoring may also be easier for some less tech-savvy parents to monitor, as the tutor will probably actually come to the house and sit with the child. This gives parents a very tangible experience where they can see their child’s education in action, something they may not get with an online tutor. On the other hand, a bad tutor can do more damage in person than an online tutor. Their lesson plans also tend to be more rigid and developed for the average student, instead of being tailored to the individual. Overall, the many benefits of online tutoring should not be seen as a reason to abandon traditional learning. Instead, online tutors should be used to supplement and expand on the material learned with traditional methods.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered about 4 years ago

Sofiia Sovchenko


Online tutoring remains a highly trending and promising business. With the continuous growth of remote learning, the demand for online tutoring services is only increasing. There is definitely a potential market for these services, as more students and professionals seek flexible, accessible, and personalized learning experiences. To stand out, new online tutoring platforms should focus on incorporating interactive elements, offering diverse and up-to-date content, and providing robust assessment and feedback systems.

For those interested in learning more about creating a successful e-learning platform, I highly recommend this article: It offers valuable insights and practical tips on building an effective and engaging e-learning website.

Answered 2 months ago