

Agile Methodologies

How to calculate combined velocity if three teams are working on a single story in a project.

Front end, Middleware and Backend three teams are working on a project. Each story touches all three teams. How to calculate a combined velocity of the teams so we can predict the delivery of some features.

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Ripul Chhabra

AI & MVP Expert

In order to calculate combined velocity, you need to know the total amount of time that each team is spending on the story, as well as how much work they are producing per hour. Then, you can divide this number by the number of hours in a day, and multiply this figure by 100 to get your combined velocity.

Answered over 2 years ago


President, CEO, Co-founder of Tranzsilica

Hopefully the Story is divided into multiple demonstrable Outputs and then to specific Tasks/Features. If this is the case, then based on the worklog done & completion achieved on the specific Task/Features by the assigned team-member, his/her velocity could be calculated from these. Hence grouping all the team members outputs completion (tasks/features), Team’s velocity could be calculated i.e., numbers of work/task/features completed in a sprint/milestone/release.


Answered about 2 years ago