


How are some people able to come up against setback after setback in pursuit off their goals and yet able to carry on to achieve success?

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Sangeetha S

Grief & Loss recovery, Healing & sprituality

Setbacks are part of life, if one is able accept that and keep an open mind, they can handle any situation having said that, this mindset does not develop overnight. One should have undergone a great deal of struggle to wrap their heads to accept this better truth, It could have developed by dealing difficult people situation high pressure jobs, a personal loss, a life changing event or by interacting with people who have an open mind and true wisdom. Success is holistic its not financial, personal or in fame, its a state of wellbeing your mind body soul accepts and feels as whole, our search and questions will popping up until we feel whole and satisfied once our we got our answers to the big questions there comes acceptance of the situation and then implementing the lesson in life every big entrepreneur scientist great minds had difficult past that the dealt with and did not ran away. Having posted this question you are already in the journey of self realization

Answered about 1 year ago

Upile Chasowa

Accomplished CTO, 4x startups, including 1 exit.

When faced with setbacks, I will consciously shift my mindset to see challenges as stepping stones to progress. For example, if I encounter difficulties in a project at work, I'll remind myself that each obstacle is a chance to develop new skills and problem-solving abilities. I'll draw on my past experiences of bouncing back from setbacks, like when I navigated a difficult academic semester by seeking extra help and adjusting my study habits. To enhance adaptability, I'll assess my current strategies and be willing to pivot if they're not yielding the desired results, similar to how I changed my approach to fitness when one routine wasn't effective. Demonstrating grit, I'll maintain my enthusiasm and dedication to my goals despite any initial setbacks, just as I persisted in learning a musical instrument even when progress felt slow. I'll proactively seek out mentors and peers who can provide guidance and encouragement, recognising that their support can make a significant difference in my journey, akin to how I benefited from a mentor's advice during a challenging career transition. Through it all, I'll remind myself that setbacks are opportunities to learn and grow, much like an aspiring chef using failed recipes to refine culinary skills and eventually succeed. Hope this helps? Happy to chat if needs be.

Answered about 1 year ago

Mick Kitor

Outsourced Affiliate & Partner Manager

It starts with an inward locus of control,

Individuals with a strong internal locus of control believe events in their life are primarily a result of their own actions: for example, when receiving exam results, people with an internal locus of control tend to praise or blame themselves and their abilities. People with a strong external locus of control tend to praise or blame external factors such as the teacher or the difficulty of the exam.[2]

Focus on learning on how to take that setback and analyze your roll in the setback. Now you can turn the setback into a learning opportunity. Adjust your approach to optimize the odds of success in your favour for the next iteration.

It is also critical to realize there are two types of games in life.

1) Finite Games: Known players, fixed rules, an agreed-upon objective (e.g. baseball). In a finite game, there is a clearly defined end point and there are winners and losers.

2) Infinite Games: Known and unknown players, changeable rules and the objective to keep the game in play (e.g. the cold war). There game ends when someone stops playing

Life and success are Infinite games. Failure or set backs only become permanent if you stop playing. If you keep trying and learning from your mistakes, setbacks become a temporary state.

Answered 11 months ago


Life Consultant and Smartphone guide.(7+ yrs exp.)

People who are able to persevere and achieve success despite facing numerous setbacks often possess certain traits and adopt specific strategies that help them stay resilient and focused. Here are some key factors:

### 1. **Resilience**
- **Emotional Resilience**: They can bounce back from disappointments and maintain a positive outlook.
- **Mental Toughness**: They handle stress well and stay composed under pressure.

### 2. **Growth Mindset**
- **Embrace Challenges**: They see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.
- **Learn from Failure**: They view setbacks as valuable feedback rather than insurmountable obstacles.

### 3. **Strong Motivation**
- **Clear Goals**: They have a well-defined vision of what they want to achieve.
- **Passion**: They are deeply passionate about their goals, which fuels their persistence.

### 4. **Effective Strategies**
- **Planning and Adaptability**: They create detailed plans but are flexible enough to adapt when things don’t go as expected.
- **Problem-Solving Skills**: They approach setbacks analytically, finding creative solutions to overcome them.

### 5. **Support Systems**
- **Mentors and Coaches**: They seek guidance and advice from experienced individuals.
- **Social Support**: They rely on friends, family, and peers for encouragement and assistance.

### 6. **Self-Discipline**
- **Consistency**: They maintain a steady effort over time, showing up and putting in the work regardless of setbacks.
- **Time Management**: They prioritize tasks effectively to stay on track toward their goals.

### 7. **Optimism**
- **Positive Outlook**: They maintain an optimistic view of their future and believe in their ability to achieve their goals.
- **Focus on Solutions**: They focus on what can be done to move forward rather than dwelling on problems.

### 8. **Reflection and Adaptation**
- **Self-Assessment**: They regularly assess their progress and make necessary adjustments.
- **Continuous Learning**: They invest in learning and personal development to improve their skills and knowledge.

### 9. **Intrinsic Rewards**
- **Personal Satisfaction**: They find joy and fulfillment in the process of pursuing their goals, not just in the end result.
- **Internal Motivation**: They are driven by their own standards and desires rather than external validation.

### 10. **Health and Well-being**
- **Physical Health**: They take care of their physical health through exercise, diet, and rest.
- **Mental Health**: They practice mindfulness, meditation, or other techniques to maintain mental well-being.

By embodying these traits and employing these strategies, individuals can navigate through setbacks and continue progressing toward their goals.

Answered 4 months ago