


How can one create a more efficient and effective daily routine and have "time well spent" each day, to bring him closer to his goals and visions?

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Diego Alencar

Addicted to travel, food and food!

I would first establish my daily goals, but most importantly, I would look at myself and ask what I am doing to change my habits. I remember back in the days when i got up in the morning. After breakfast i sat down and procrastinated the whole day, scrolling at my phone. I changed that to writing on a board and timing my minutes and hours for each activity. Even your phone, you can use that technology in your favor with reminders. It helps a lot and bringing a passion also helps, like cooking, cycling. Anything that will motivate you to move also improves your health and forces you to be motivated...

Answered about 1 year ago

Alex Gadd

Helping One Build Their Life

The secret to achieving big goals is to take consistent action on a regular basis. The action itself doesn't have to be big on a daily basis though if carried out on a consistent basis, the work will accumulate and ultimately enable you to achieve your big goals.

In the old days, I would have brought myself a schedule with a number of days listed out in advance. Else I would have brought a wall chart with a number of days listed out in advance. Then I would fill in each day the tasks that needed to be done towards the achievement of my goals.

Nowadays I would use an app like Google Calendar or These apps allow me to book out a series of dates in advance (beyond just the end of the year like old schedule books go up too).

Anyhow these apps are easy to use and provide one with the ability to book in advance to the distant future what they need to do on a daily basis. And with the click of a button you can set it up so that a task will be repeated on a daily or weekly basis till you no longer need to do the task.

Anyhow if you would like any more advice, I am happy to book you a 1-2-1 consultation for free by sending you a VIP link.

Answered about 1 year ago

Alex Petrov

Founder Ryefield R&D and

If you want to be effective on a daily basis and so be effective regularly, you need a system, just because only structured things could work well regularly and not occasionally. 

To build an effective system that will be suitable for you, one should start with some exercises to boost awareness. The simplest exercise that helps you to be less overwhelmed and get rid of some stressful factors is writing. You could write in your daily planner, in your diary, or (I prefer that way) create a mind map. After several days of free writing, you'll want to do some planning on your own. 

Spending enough time for planning is key to having "time well spent" each day and bringing him closer to his goals and visions.

Another effective part of the system is using some tools that will help you control your attention and focus. Planning will help you focus, but that may not be enough to cope with some distractions. 

In any way, that will be a good point to start. 

Answered about 1 year ago

Dr. Neen

***Award-winning social entrepreneur***

Assign each day of the week for specific tasks. For example, maybe Wednesdays are "mail" day. You answer ALL emails that require detail, do your snail mail (pick ups from mailbox, mail packages, return packages, etc), Mondays are errand day (most people don't take meetings on Monday cuz too many cancellations occur and people use Mondays to catch up on previous week's work and weekend emergencies. Hope that helps. Let me know if you need additional suggestions. :)

Answered about 1 year ago

Jit Hinchman

Founder of Supply Chain Adviser.

1. Set your plan and stick to it: Find a good planner, either paper planner or digital planner.
2. Prioritize your top 5 goals and simple action steps: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
3. Remember to add self-care routines into your day: You are not a machine. It needs your care to function properly and live a happy life.

Hope that helps.

Answered 10 months ago

Govind Ghimire

Clarity Expert

The key to a fulfilling and productive day lies in synchronizing your routine with your energy levels and maximizing "time well spent." Here's how you can achieve this:

1. Mapping Your Energy Landscape:

Track your energy levels throughout the day: Pay attention to when you feel most focused, creative, and motivated. Observe your natural dips and peaks. For example, are you a morning lark or a night owl?
Identify high-impact tasks: Categorize your tasks based on their complexity and required focus. Match these tasks to your peak energy periods.
Schedule accordingly: Block out dedicated time slots in your calendar for your most demanding tasks during your peak energy hours. Treat this time as sacred and minimize distractions.
2. Prioritizing "Time Well Spent":

Start with a "Must-Do" list: Identify 3-5 non-negotiable tasks that propel you towards your goals and visions. Ensure you complete these during your peak focus window.
Delegate or eliminate the rest: Be ruthless! Analyze tasks that can be delegated, outsourced, or even eliminated entirely. Free up that energy for high-impact activities.
Batch similar tasks: Group similar tasks together to minimize context switching and maximize momentum. For example, answer all emails at once, or make all phone calls in a designated block.
3. Building a Rhythm for Optimal Flow:

Create a morning routine: Start your day with activities that set the tone for focus and productivity. This could be exercise, meditation, journaling, or simply enjoying a quiet breakfast.
Structure your workday: Block out time for focused work, meetings, breaks, and personal interactions. Maintain a consistent workday schedule for optimal rhythm and flow.
End with intention: Develop a calming evening routine to de-stress and prepare for sleep. This could involve reading, light exercise, or spending time with loved ones.
4. Remember: Flexibility is Key:

Listen to your body: Don't force yourself to adhere to a rigid schedule if you're feeling drained. Listen to your body's cues and adjust your routine accordingly.
Embrace unplanned opportunities: Be open to seizing unexpected moments of inspiration or serendipitous connections. Sometimes, stepping outside the routine can lead to breakthroughs.
Track and refine: Regularly evaluate your routine's effectiveness. Note what works, what doesn't, and adapt as needed. Remember, your ideal routine is a living document, always evolving with you.
By understanding your energy patterns, prioritizing "time well spent," and designing a personalized rhythm, you can transform your daily routine into a springboard for achieving your goals and visions. Remember, it's about living intentionally and making every moment count, not about rigid timetables. So, experiment, refine, and discover the flow that fuels your personal journey to success.

Answered 9 months ago