I am in advisory & counselling for atleast 7yrs.
1. Select Advertising Platform. 2. Define your Goals. 3. Research your Target Audience. 4. Do ALOT of Research. 5. Have a Pros & Cons Lists. 6. Get a group of people you can trust/rely on to comment their TRUTHFUL thoughts about your Advertisement. 7. Have a unique, fantastic, never been seen relatable Advertisement.
New Business Launch
Founder of Get Help Tax
If you are the officer of the S-corporation working substantially in the business then you should draw a reasonable salary. You do this by treating yourself as an employee and running your wages through payroll, withholding payroll taxes, etc. You can learn more about that at https://gethelptax.com/how-to-pay-yourself-from-an-s-corp/
Clarity Expert
Use Bait & Hook Business strategy to attract customers by showing your Jewellery's stores competitve edge through your E-Commerce site which makes you different and sets you apart from other competitiors present in market place.
New York Attorney and Entrepreneur
Have you launched an MVP yet? Minimum Viable Product. If not, I would get that done first.spend as little as possible. Get someone in Asia who works a lot cheaper and get a prototype. If you have an MVP and are ready to have a finished product. Again, go to upwork or fivver. Find someone offshore who works for a few grand and gives you a kick ass product. There is usually no need for some company to do it for you. They’re usually hiring people form upwork anyway. Cut out the middleman.
Patent Strategy
🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍
Separate patents required to be filed for each country where the protection is required. It is something with which the business esteem is connected. Insuring the intellectual property is also a common norm since it is an asset. One of the quintessential business components is to have IP protection a part of budgeting and business plan as well. Subsequently, a large portion of the estimation of a start-up, for the most part, gets from their IP rights. It has been assessed that on the normal, over 80% of the estimation of a new business depends on their IP portfolio. Unless your start-up offers something that has zero creation costs, you will need to tighten the pocket heavily even to make start making profits. Another aspect that the businesses do not consider is the cost associated with not taking proper care of the intellectual properties. You can read more here: https://www.startupindia.gov.in/content/sih/en/reources/startup_india_notes/industry_insights/protecting_Intellectual_Property_using_IPR.html Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
Civil Engineer. PM. Researcher. Reading writer
This is a great idea. Initially, it sounds as though the centres are meant only for school children, as a form of guidance within the school as a non-profit. Depending on your target market, you may struggle to find clients that are willing to pay a monthly fee because they may feel that it's a trivial exercise, especially when it's something they're new to. I'd suggest you do some market research, there is a big difference in affordability between high-schoolers and adult parents and their priorities will differ greatly. I'd also advise you reconfigure the method/type of membership. The monthly fee is great for income and client retention however, may be off-putting to lower earning clients. Maybe look into a day-rate or weekly rate as well. This will accommodate someone that would like to experience the facility prior to making a commitment or even someone who can't make the full commitment and only wants to visit your facilities every now and again. All in all, it's brilliant. Let me know if you've got any follow-up questions that we can handle via a call. All the best
🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍
Wxatthewmaps is an interface that offers thinking automation. So, I believe before you are choosing a business-model you must understand what it is that you want to target. Often people confuse between value-retention and customer-retention. These two are closely related. When you enter the word “value, you will come across two business models. Value proposition development is an organizational approach to building in value to the customer experience. It is simply that by building a value proposition you will provide profitable and superior customer value. You can read more here: https://www.fullsurge.com/blog/6-steps-to-creating-a-compelling-b2b-value-proposition Creating a value-focused enterprise requires a fundamental rethink of the way things are organized and managed. These customers demand, and are willing to pay for, a sales effort that creates new value and provides additional benefits outside of the product. You can read more here: https://openviewpartners.com/blog/enterprise-pricing-strategy-focus-on-value/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_proposition#Value_proposition_builder_model Short answer is yes, it would work but choose wisely. Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
Scalable cloud, blockchain and AI solutions
I would suggest utilizing Upwork.com for finding an expert. This site will allow you to create a detailed project proposal based on your needs and give you maximum flexibility to create a payment structure that fits your budget. Depending on how the training is structured, you can pay the expert you choose either by the hour or session. Holding online training seminars with multiple individuals would be the most economical and effective way to accomplish your goals, then if needed, you can find another expert with at a lower rate to help answer further questions the attendees might have at on later date. This task could be performed at an hourly rate, as the bloggers would most likely need about 30 minutes of time to reinforce concepts learned during the seminar
Fractional CTO
Periodically I do Realtor Marketing. I never buy lists, because these lists are dirtier than voter roles. Better to just go download a free copy of any active Realtor Licensee database for a given city. These lists are rock solid, because Realtors on this list have renewed their licenses, so addresses are always correct.
President of Technical Interviewers
I have a business finding developers for startups, so this is something I have some experience in. I would say that you're looking for the wrong thing. You do not need to have developers with experience in real estate. What you need is good developers, and a solid design plan for them to follow. For example, when I got my first programming job out of college, I worked as a coder for a company that did government retirement software. Government retirement rules are complex, and I knew nothing about them. But as a coder, I didn't need to, since my boss gave me instructions on what needed to be done. If you have a clear vision for your product, and can explain that vision in tangible, clear terms, that's good enough. What you want is some solid, experienced developers who know how to build a product and use best practices. You may or may not need five people. Be careful not to make the mistake that many entrepreneurs make by overstaffing. More developers does not necessarily mean that it will get done faster. Plan out your team based on what skill sets you need, and start small. You can always add more developers later. Generally speaking, 90% of the time when I see an entrepreneur starting out with a big team, they're probably trying to do too much too soon. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
I am in advisory & counselling for atleast 7yrs.
Drupal is getting better & is one of the best options for open source content & ecommerce on the market.
Civil Engineer. PM. Researcher. Reading writer
This is very vague, how you spread any knowledge is largely dependent on the type of information you want to put out. I'm open to share some useful tips, especially related to Project Managent, open for a call.
Clarity Expert On Growth Stage Startups
It is tricky but not possible. Having been in your situation I can appreciate the challenge that lies ahead. Investors took for signals to create reassurance and trust, things that are generally tangible like an MVP, initial customers, the first proofs that customers are willing to pay and a problem is actually being solved. Not having that makes it a magnitude more difficult so having a proxy for those tangible signals will matter most. For example to make the product more real without a product you may want to create a clickable demo to give investors a feel for the user experience and how it will work. If you don't have customers yet then maybe you can survey the market and potential customers and reference those that provide good feedback and interest in your deck. Other positive signals will be useful too. Very importantly, at an early stage, investors are backing the team even more than the product. Having a solid team with sector experience who have created a startup before and have the experience needed will be very important. In terms of investors focusing on friends, family and creating an offering that is derisked and maybe has task incentives can help get some initial commitments. Smaller tickets will help. Also if you have invested your own money and have committed to not taking a salary or taking a greatly reduced salary for an initial period will show investors that you've got skin in the game and you're prepared to lose your own money. Finally, investors like to see other investors invest, when there is momentum and fear of missing out investors may be more motivated to invest. Give me a call if you want to discuss further how to create a solid MVP stage fundraising strategy Good luck!
Digital Marketing & Transformation Consultant
It is the old question of time vs money, that most entrepreneuer face. First everyone assumes their idea is great. I am not talking to you personally but the statistics show that this is not the truth. Even with careful market research (not just asking Google and friends) there is always a chance your product will be a failure nobody wants. So would you rather have tanked 50k to 100k on an expensive MVP nobody wants? So what is your alternative: Finding a co-founder, who can code it: less risk/less reward Finding an investor, who will front you the money: less risk/less reward Using one of the many NoCode options like Bubble.io - almost no risk / but takes a lot of time risking being too late or never getting anything finished So you see there is always a downside. You are the business owner. Only you know the scope of your idea. Only you will ultimately have to live with the consequences of your decision. If you need help talking about the specifics, just give me a call. I am glad to help. -Gerd
Fractional CTO
As Dan Kennedy says, "Explorers tend to return full of arrows." In other words, good chance of failure trying anything new. Do something old, with a new spin. Tip: Read through Kennedy's books (I could 60+ on my bookshelf) about how to do... business spins... slapping a new face on an old industry/niche/product.
Clarity Expert
You will probably get more or better responses posting this type of question on a forum for software developers like stackexchange because the people who actually know the answer to your question are most likely people who work at this company or used to work here, who might have signed an NDA that prevents them from giving away company secrets or any information that might be sensitive in one way or another. Given that it's better to be safe than sorry, this type of information might fall under that category. My assumption could be wrong but if I was the owner or even an employee, I see zero benefit to answer this question because without a much larger discussion, the information won't even be useful to you.
Email Marketing
Clarity Expert
The fastest way to accomplish this is probably to use Fiverr.com and hire someone to scrape the email addresses and send them to you in a spreadsheet. Or post an ad on Craigslist with a description of what you want and you will get a ton of responses. On Fiverr perform a search for "scrape emails from a website" and you shouldn't pay more than $5-$10 for the work. For DIY, you can use something like Import.io or Parsehub. The general term for this type of task is "website scraping." From a business perspective, I think it's better to pay someone else to do it because it costs nothing and will be faster than doing it yourself. Lots of websites block web scraping these days but people who sell scraping as a service will know how to get around that type of barrier.
Clarity Expert On Growth Stage Startups
The answer is it depends. It depends on what you need the software for and how it adds value and creates a moat against your competitors. I'm not sure what sector you are thinking of, but if you are an online retailer then probably not as the software in that sector is fairly advanced and mature, and solutions generally customizable. That is to say up to a certain stage, once you become Amazon... you're best to have your own proprietary software. Also, there is no point in investing in reinventing the wheel for day-to-day "commoditized" software unless doing so can unify and improve processes somehow, creating unique know-how or way of doing things allowing you to get an advantage over your competitors. On the other hand, if you are a digitally native company focusing on disruption then you will most certainly need to create your own software for three reasons, firstly the uniqueness and level of customization, secondly the pace of development required, and thirdly an important part of company valuation when it comes to fundraising is the underlying company technology and IP which forms a valuable asset. In terms of software development, it is not uncommon for startups to use 3rd parties to develop the initial MVP and once proved - and with access to funding - to then take it in house. It would be unusual for a growth stage/series A company not to own its IP and develop their software in-house
🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍
Whenever you write on Clarity keep in mind that they are not just reading but speaking your words loud and clear inside their head. Communication has three key aspects. Tone of the voice, Body Language and Words, on Clarity two are absent and one is present. Words play a vital role in virtual communication. So, begin your journey with answering the questions in the best way possible and once you reach the stage when client wants to finally speak to you, you can check this link that would be a great help to you: https://www.hartfordfunds.com/practice-management/practice-management-strategies/communicate-to-connect/the-dos-and-donts-of-effective-virtual-communication.html Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
Mentor, Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Public Speaker
Most expenses (in most countries) that are directly related to the advancing your business are tax deductible. For example, marketing on FB or Google Ads, using an attorney or other counsel - like on clarity. Good luck
Clarity Expert
You're going to have to be much more specific than that, otherwise the answer is most likely going to be "it depends on...." Bankruptcy has lots of pros but also lots of cons so you want to get a solid answer for your specific situation.
Clarity Expert
I have no experience with this but my initial thinking is that you might have a setting that needs to be set correctly so you might want to double check all the settings and options. The reason I feel like this might be the case is because I would think most terms would provide at least some type of result. But since the Shopping system is completely separate from the regular search results, maybe they are tighter with the search results and require some degree of relevancy before they feel justified in charging the advertiser for that impression or click. With the standard organic google search results, they're not hurting anyone monetarily by providing completely irrelevant results.
Casandra loves reading and research
Truly educational and social impact projects are wonderful ways to impact on the society. recently, i did a project on MENTAL HEALTH ACTION PLAN with WHO under the International MUN platform as a volunteer and it was wonderful experience because i used social marketing strategies to move my project forward. I can be of great help if you need a social professional to carry out any project you have. you can call me for further questions and ideas. thanks.
🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍
Social media automation is using software tools to handle some of the time-consuming tasks involved in maintaining a professional social media presence. For instance, scheduling posts ahead of time, curating content for republishing, triaging routine customer queries, and producing analytics reports are all examples of social media automation. However, not all social media tasks can or should be automated. Integrating social media automation into your workflow can take a bit of initial legwork, especially if you are used to doing everything yourself. Cross posting the same text across all your social accounts might save a few minutes, but the cost in credibility is high. Instead, take the extra time to adjust your message for each platform’s audience. You can read more here: https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-automation/ Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
Clarity Expert On Growth Stage Startups
There are many forums and places where Amazon sellers congregate online, if you can find where these audiences congregate then this could be a way to approach them. If you have found niches is there any reason you wouldn't want to develop an online presence yourself? Platforms such as Amazon, eBay, Etsy and Shopify make it very easy to get going. There are even software tools to allow you to manage platforms centrally. The cost, knowledge required and the barrier to entry is low, and once you can see what is working via the platforms, then selling directly via Shopify or similar can help you get even higher margins Good luck!