Unemployment Claims
I am a business professional
Stop waiting for someone else and go out and market for yourself. Put you a resume together and go to some places and tell them what you do and inquire if they could use your services. One person don't stop anything. If you want to eat and survive in this world you must stop looking for excuses. So go make your own bids, go pitch your own sales, and go get your money.
🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍
There are lots of things to consider when creating a Seller Account on Amazon. Let us look at it one by one: 1. Go to https://services.amazon.com 2. Scroll down the page, below the heading “Become an Amazon seller”: On the right side, look for the ‘See Pricing -→’ link (below the ‘Make Money’ header) and click it. 3. Choose between and individual or professional seller account: When it comes to Amazon’s seller plans, you have two options: professional and individual. If you are going to sell more than 40 products per month, then signing up as a ‘professional’ is your best bet. Even if you are selling as a hobby and do not consider yourself to be a professional, this plan will help you save money. But if you are planning to sell on a smaller scale (i.e. fewer than 40 units per month), select the individual plan. 4. Enter your email and select ‘Create a New Account’: Once you’ve chosen the seller plan that is right for you, the following window will appear where you’ll be asked to enter in your email address and a password (of your choosing) for your seller account. When you are done, click the ‘Next’ button. This will take you to a second screen asking you to enter in a one-time password (OTP) generated by Amazon, which will be sent to the email address you provided in the previous screen. This is Amazon’s way of verifying the email you entered. After you have added that OTP to its corresponding field, click the ‘Create your Amazon account’ button. 5. Choose your ‘Business location’ and ‘Business type’: The next step in the Amazon seller registration process is to share the following information: 1) Your business location: This is the country in which your business is located. It’s extremely important that this is accurate, as Amazon will be verifying it. 2) Your business type: You will be able to choose your business entity from the following options (most fall into the ‘Privately-owned’ category): a) State-owned business b) Publicly owned business c) Privately-owned business d) Charity e) None, I am an individual 3) Your full name: Make sure you enter your first, middle, and last names. Then, click the ‘Agree and continue’ button. 6. Enter your personal information: From there, you will be asked to provide Amazon with several personal details. This includes a form of identification (either your passport number or your driver’s license). You may also be required to give them your phone number. Again, this is for verification purposes. 7. Choose your marketplace(s): Once you have completed the ‘Individual Information’ section, check the box below the marketplace(s) this refers to the location of an Amazon store (e.g. Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk, etc.) in which you would like to sell, and then click ‘next’. 8. Enter your billing information: Another way Amazon is now verifying a potential seller’s identity is to make sure their credit card information is valid. So, after you have chosen your marketplace(s), you will be asked to enter in the number and expiration date of one of your credit cards, as well as the name that appears on that card. When you are done, click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the page. 9. Add the information for your product(s) and Amazon store: After you supply your credit card information and it has been validated, you’ll be asked a few questions about your Amazon store and the products you plan to sell. To move onto the next phase of the Amazon seller registration process, you will need to answer the following: a. The name of your Amazon store b. Whether or not you have UPC codes for your product(s) c. If you are the manufacturer and/or brand owner of the product(s) you are selling d. If you have a registered trademark for your product(s) Click the ‘Next’ button after you have provided the answers to those questions. 10. Address validation: Lastly, when you’ve completed all of the other steps in the verification process, you’ll be asked to confirm the business address you provided in step six (the ‘Personal Information’ screen). After clicking on the ‘Confirm’ button — if the address displayed is correct, that is — a new screen will appear. It explains that you will receive a postcard at that address, along with a verification code. Then, when you receive the card, enter the code provided into the ‘Enter code below’ field and click ‘Next’ to finish the verification process. Once you are verified, you are in! To be on the safe side, we recommend setting up 2-step verification on your account (for increased security). But, once your identity and business information has been verified, all you need to do to get started is to log into https://sellercentral.amazon.com. Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
Fractional CTO
S3 (anything Amazon) is most costly approach you can take. Best you book a call with me or someone who works on this type of project daily. For EBS/NFS, all slow/glitchy tech. You'll only use this type tech if you love daily aggravation + have infinite free time to debug problems. Better solution, use OVH data storage servers, then run Linux on these along with whatever distributive/network filesystem is required for your workflows. Since you don't mention type of workflow, no guess what a better answer than NFS might be.
I'm pursuing my graduation
ISO 45001 creates an organisation built around best practice. This is then mirrored across the company and sets a standard for managing risks. Having a strong, consistent standard means that the organisation is more efficient across the board.It provides a practical solution to improve the safety and health of both employees and other personnel. This standard has been designed with an intention to be applicable for any company regardless how big it is
Healthcare Information Technology
Serial Entrepreneur, Investor & Author
There are many details that this question is missing however, from what I have gathered and based on the growth of Hela Job (my startup), we have mainly used automation tools to our advantage and generated leads to pitch our service or schedule a demo where we sale our services. I can definitely help, let's create waves together. Request a call now: https://clarity.fm/antypas.
Entrepreneur and successful grant writer
Managing a product in the healthcare space is quite different than most other industries. You need to have a thorough understanding of the following: 1. What is your target population? The candidate patient for your product needs to be well-defined. Usually, the more specific, the better (at least initially). This not only factors into your regulatory path but also reimbursement decisions, targeted healthcare providers and clinical adoption. 2. What is the regulatory path? Determining the regulatory route should be done early on in the product development cycle. 3. What are reimbursement practices of similar products? Payment for the product needs to be ironed out early on too. The product may need it's own CPT codes or can it rely on existing ones. If there's no reimbursement available, then other means of payment need to be determined (patient out-of-pocket, subscription-based, value-based proposition to healthcare provider, etc.).
Counseling and Innovation
First, let the customer know the benefits and the long term financial value of buying a cow leather for export . With this you've shown them the long-term financial benefits and their current profits. So "you've killed 2 birds with one stone".
SaaS Founder (acquired), Investor
I've been where you're at *multiple* times. The advice I gave myself was to throw my arms up and just get a job and focus on being better at developing software, the act of coding, since thats what me/you are "passionate" about. If you want a business though, you have to first ask yourself, "Why do you want a business?". Is it because you want to be well known and show up in all the publications? Do you want to hire people and make decisions on where and how the company grows? What do you want? Saying you want a business is the easy part. You can code a platform and get it to the point of being able to be sold (which is great, but these days thats the easy part), but you need to do the other work: figure out what you want and set a goal and run towards it. As I read your question theres a lot more context that can be given to your situation that I don't know about, I dont know you, and havent talked to you, but I can tell that you probably aren't excited to actually talk to people and try to sell it, which is a lot of developers. Most developers think they can build it and customers will come, we've all heard that before, and that's the hard part I mentioned earlier. If you're looking for a suggestion, then my suggestion is: stop building stuff for now. Figure out your goal (not an idea, not a company, but a goal outside of the actual platform) and when the goal amps you up and gets you excited, you'll run down that path, until then, keep coding and getting better at writing software and in your off time, go do hobbies like kayak or something. Make yourself bored, it will come to you then.
🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍
Apart from what you want, when choosing a white label website builder, cost will be a crucial deciding factor. Find a reseller program that matches your cost expectations but do not settle for anything less in terms of quality. As a designer, you will probably have adopted a particular style for creating websites. Check out the site templates offered under Strikingly to see if our designs match your own. In this way it would be easier for you to use our templates and customize them to reflect your unique brand. Customer support is also especially important. You must be provided with a good number of support options in case you or your client runs into an issue during website development and management. Strikingly offers 24/7 support for all accounts along with a highly informative knowledge base so you will always have answers when you need them. Check out these following links which I believe will be of great help to you: 1. https://agency.weblium.com/ 2. https://sitegalore.com/ 3. https://www.duda.co/website-builder/white-label 4. https://webwave.me/ 5. https://www.ucraft.com/whitelabel 6. https://offsprout.com/ 7. https://www.motocms.com/customer-services/reseller-white-label-website-builder/ 8. https://www.monosolutions.com/platform/website-builder Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍
Groups are mostly formed of individuals. So, what do individuals mostly look for in a social media? Individuals can use the social media for personal reasons, which may be for keeping in touch with the latest technology, news, gossip, and happenings around the world or in their own locality. Social media is also fast replacing the traditional means of communications. In this day and age, it would be hard to find a person who does not use the e-mail facility to send messages to friends/colleagues and/or for official purposes or use the social media for collaboration. Similarly, people also use the chat or instant message feature that’s in-built in most email clients to talk to people in real-time. One can also make phone calls directly using Skype or other e-mail clients like Gmail, video call on WhatsApp (latest feature) and also have conference calls. Individuals can use the social media to keep in touch with their various hobbies, like music, movies, sports, gaming etc. Social media not only allows one to find other people with similar interests but also allows for easy upload and download of media files with the help of media sites like BitTorrent. Social media users can also indulge in social gaming i.e. online gaming activities, in real-time with friends or strangers and challenge them. People can use this media to explore their own creativity, for example, a person who loves to write can create their own blogs and explore their writing talents. Blogs are the best way for individuals to express themselves, their views, and opinions on any and all subjects. In this manner, a person can establish their expertise in their niche subject by using the blog effectively. There are several other writing platforms that allow people to submit content on their site and reward them in different ways. Due to the very nature of social media it is easy to reach a large audience and find an interested readership. Similarly, one can use photo-sharing sites to upload and store their personal photos with all their privacy intact or selectively share it with others. Most photo sharing websites incorporate photo editing tools which can be used to edit/enhance the photos for personal use. There are also video sites that allow you to upload your videos and edit them to create new videos or films and earn revenue too. Human beings love to socialise and interact with each other. The social media enables people to interact with each other using the universally accessible and scalable communication techniques that are available today, in the form of websites and the mobile phones. The various social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc work on the principle of social interaction. A person can add/invite more friends or colleagues into their network and connect, share, and communicate with them in real-time or send messages. Using these networking sites is very easy as they are free to register with and one can easily locate long-lost friends and keep in touch with them. One can also interact with strangers who have similar interests and make new friends with people from all around the world, which also include many dating sites. People use these networking sites along with popular social messaging apps, like Whatsapp, these days for their daily conversations today. Thus, it has become very easy for people to get feedback, information or advice regarding products/services or companies from their friends in their network. Therefore, any individual has the power to influence others in his/her network, which has been termed as “Social Influence”. The social media has succeeded in putting the power back into the consumer’s hands. As mentioned in the paragraph above, any individual can have a “social influence” by virtue of his/her social interactions on the web or via mobile technologies. Most people share the experiences that they had with any product/service/holidays etc with their friends or families. And since most conversations, these days, take place on the social networking sites, many more people within the network get to hear of it as well. If the experiences were bad, the whole network is made aware of it. Thus, it is very easy for a single person to impact the reputation of a company or brand online. The social networking sites also allow “tagging” and “sharing” of content among groups or within your own network of friends or lists, which may cause it to become viral in a matter of minutes. It is the fastest way to spread any content on the social media. Thus, photos that are tagged, or links/videos that are shared on networking sites can become viral on the Internet. Thus, you must keep the following points in mind when you try to grow your group on Facebook. 1). Think high level: First thing is first. If you are going to start putting time and effort into your Facebook group, you must be sure you are in it for the right reasons. Define a clear goal for your group. Do you want to use your goal to promote a product or service? Do you want to use your group to help answer questions your followers have? If so, what questions? Do you want to gain feedback to improve your product? Without a clear goal, defining a direction with which to grow your group will be impossible. Once you have settled on a goal for the group, start thinking about how you will manage your community. Do you want the group to be public or private? Do you want to allow people to post at-will or do you want to approve all posts before they are added to the group? Each decision has its pros and cons and it’s important to weigh all the options and nail down high-level strategy before moving forward with growing and engaging your followers. 2). Use owned channels: Now that you know the direction you want to grow your group in, it’s time to start actually growing it. A good place to start is with your owned channels. If you have a Facebook page, make a post linking your group and pin it to the top of your page. Invite the people who like your page to join your group. Create some Facebook stories about your group and post them. If you have an Instagram account, same goes for there. YouTube? LinkedIn? Twitter? You get the idea. The more you leverage your owned channels, the more impressions you will be able to get on your Facebook group. If you defined your goals for your group clearly and it aligns with your product or service, your current followers should be more than happy to join in on the conversation. 3). Link up with influencers: Influencers are huge in 2019. I mean, they were huge in 2018, but they still are today. Getting an influencer to join your group can be great social proof for your page. Try finding a few influencers who are in the same space that your group is trying to serve and send them an invite and a quick message. If they join your group, make a post welcoming them. If you’re having trouble getting an influencer to join your group organically, you can always try speaking their language and spend a little money to get them to shout out your group, join, make a few posts, etc. 4). Join other groups: See another group that is serving the same audience as yours? Do not look at it as competition, look at it as an opportunity. Joining a group and getting in on the conversation can be another great way to get people noticing your group. Because the members of that group are already your target audience, there is a good chance they will join yours. When mentioning your group, make sure you show what sets yours apart from the one they are currently in. Show those members why they would get added value by joining your group in addition to the one they are currently in. Before you post, read the rules of the group. It is common for Facebook posts to look down on self-promotion. If there is a rule against it, there might be dedicated threads where you will be free to promote your group. You can even try messaging the admins of the group directly to ask their permission. If you go this route, be sure to focus on the differences between your groups you don’t want them to think you are poaching members. 5). Embrace paid advertising: Since we are talking ad spend, paid social posts are another great way to get the word out there for your ads. Do not hesitate to put a little money behind growing your group. It is a great way to get the ball rolling when you are just starting out. Be careful though, paid social ads are a great way to spend a lot of money fast and if you do not know what you are doing, it can be all for naught. 6). Do not neglect your followers: Growing your Facebook group isn’t all about getting impressions on your group. It is important to deliver value to your current members. If your current members are feeling neglected then they are liable to leave your group, not participate in the conversation, or not even have the posts in your group show up in their newsfeed due to lack of engagement. Make sure you are posting content and engaging with your followers. Deliver content that sparks conversation and gets people liking and commenting. If you have post approvals turned on, make sure you are checking those to let UGC through to your group. Do not get lost focusing only on the size of your group. If you are keeping your members engaged there is a good chance your group can grow through word of mouth alone. 7). Deliver quality content: Even though you want to be engaging your followers as much as possible it is important to make sure that the quality of your content is not suffering as a result. If you want your followers to be engaging with your group and stick around for the long run it is critical that they are finding value in it. Develop a content calendar so you know what you are posting and when. You can even schedule it ahead of time but if you go this route, make sure you are still actively moderating the group and participating in the discussion. 8). Become obsessed with the numbers: If you aren’t familiar with the built-in analytic tools that Facebook offers, now’s the time to check it out. Facebook offers powerful group insights that allow you to see things like, top performing posts, group growth over time, and active members over time. The best way to judge if you are on your way to your goal is by checking these numbers frequently. Look at your top performing posts and mimic what made them successful in future posts. See when you had the biggest spike in new members and copy the strategy you were using at that time. Historical data is the best predictor of success so use it to your advantage. 9). Hold a contest: Try holding a contest. You can make it randomly selected from the people who like and comment on your post or you can incentive engagement by awarding the prize to the ‘best’ comment each month or the most active users each month. You probably have a product or service you can give away but if you would rather offer something else, an Amazon gift card is always a sure-fire way to get people participating. Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
Fractional CTO
Tip: You'll only do this if you're a Thrillseeker looking to loose massive revenue. You'll never, ever, ever turn over design of any business critical system to anyone in the class of "junior anything" who requires "SQL courses". You'll have an experienced designer handle your SQL design.
SEO Entrepreneur
A ".com" is a much better long term solution because Google and people generally recognize that as more authoritative/ trustworthy. The best way to change a ".co" over to a ".com", is by creating a "301 redirect" for EACH PAGE and keep everything else the exact same until Google indexes the new version. Also, you might want to contact any important inbound links and ask them to update their link to be to the new address. And you can register both domains inside Google Search Console and submit a "change of address". Does this help?
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
Fractional CTO
This is a complex topic. Far more complex than can be answered in here. Best to hire an expert to help you with this, because Google will penalize you if they visit the same URL multiple times where different content is returned. You can research this yourself by digging into the Google Search Console facility specifically built to handle this case, to avoid the SEO/Index penalty. And... You can easily destroy SEO traction making simple mistakes. Guideline: For any SEO optimization. 1) Low/No site income, figure it out on your own. 2) High site income, hire someone familiar with this process. Random Tip: Most people miss something important here. Incompetent Hosting (almost all hosting) which sometimes returns various errors or randomized content rendering (slow broken SSL/JS/CSS/Image serving) also counts as different content. A far more common problem results when Hosting results return random content on a regular basis. Guideline: Similar to the above. For sites with significant cashflow, first hire someone to ensure your hosting speed + stability + security is rock solid. Next, ensure your site produces clean HTML (0 syntax errors + 0 syntax warnings). Then move into SEO optimization. Most people start with SEO before address hosting + HTML syntax... then wonder... why oh why... does my SEO optimization never seem to have any effect.
Mentor, Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Public Speaker
Hi Great question. The real answer (that not many people are willing to say), is this: you go outside, raise your thump towards the sky, imagine a nice number, and that's the valuation. It's called the thumb valuation. But seriously, there is no "official" accounting method to evaluate a startup that is not already selling, and even then the sales don't necessarily indicate the value of the company. In any event, some of the below are good indicators of value: 1. Do they have a patent? 2. Have they already developed the technology? Is it working? 3. Do they have sales or traction? 4. How much is each sale/signup/download costing versus how much are they making (going to make) from each of these users? 5. How long has the team been together? If they're offering a technological solution, is the CTO a member of the team, or an external company? 6. Are there any similar companies providing similar services? If so, check how much money these companies have raised so far and at what value, or research their sales/results so far (I am happy to teach you how to do so - almost all the information is available online). 7. If prior investments have been made, check how much he/she invested each time? 8. Do your research on the market and potential. You then take all the above, and reach the value of the company, based on which you are asking the investment for. 9. There ARE some companies that do startup evaluation, but these are relatively new (about 4 years) and usually use most of the above methods. I've successfully helped over 350 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. After scheduling a call, please send me some background information so that I can prepare in advance - thus giving you maximum value for your money. Take a look at the great reviews I’ve received: https://clarity.fm/assafben-david Good luck
Mentor, Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Public Speaker
Hi First of all, the fact that you are talking about market validation is great. I've seen so many startups invest time and money, only to find that no one wants/needs their product, or that they only want a certain aspect of it (whilst the startup spent money developing a whole bunch of other features), or that the clients aren't willing to pay the requested price - making the business not profitable. So you're already one step ahead. Also, the sooner you validate your product, the better! That said, the version you are validating needs to be representative of the end product, or else the validation isn't reliable. So, how should you validate it? The best way, is to see whether people are willing to pay for your product/service. This is how you find that out: 1. Create a business model canvas (which is what all startups should start with before creating a business plan), 2. Setup a Wix or Wordpress website (this can be done for free / very low costs) or if your venture is a mobile app, then create what’s called a Clickable Prototype (“CP”) (a visual of the app in which the images change when you click – you can do so using the Apple Keynote tool or Microsoft PowerPoint). On the website, or the download page for the ‘app’, don't forget to include the price of the product/service, and enable people to order it (YES, even if it doesn't really exist yet!). I am happy to explain how this can be done whilst still being fair to your potential customers (the people who click the "buy/download” button). 3. Determine your target market/customers. 4. Spend a small amount marketing what you created. This way, after only spending a very small amount, you will be able to know (assuming that you did it correctly): a. Do people like your product. b. Do people want/need your product (not the same as 'a'). c. Are people willing to pay for your product? (this being the most important stage) d. How much are they willing to pay? (you can check this by having 2-3 landing pages with different prices on each). 2 last important points: a) In order to rule out external factors like an unattractive landing page or advertising campaign, and assuming you have the time, create multiple landing pages / advertising campaigns, with different designs. b) During the above process, don't forget to check how much it costs you to get each user/customer to click the "buy" button. If for example each click on your promotion/advertisement costs you $2, and only every 10 people who click go on to the "buy" page - that means each sale is costing you $20. Then check what your average profit per sale is, and then you'll know if your service/product is worth pursuing (obviously there are additional factors like return customers, referrals etc, but you will get a good estimated/validation of the idea/business). Does something like this exist? Many people would use LinkedIn for some of the features you mentioned. For example, when flying to city X, I would ask: "Does anyone know any people in Y industry in city X" - and in most cases people get connections. Good luck I've successfully helped over 350 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. After scheduling a call, please send me some background information so that I can prepare in advance - thus giving you maximum value for your money. Take a look at the great reviews I’ve received: https://clarity.fm/assafben-david
Professional Comprehensive Life Coach
Hello, What a great question. One of my favorite coaching topics is overcoming insecurities. It is a favorite because the results are exponentially rewarding! Not knowing the particulars limit my responses; therefore, broad-strokes answer is as follows: Fundamentally, the underlying cause of your daughter’s inhibitions should be addressed because intellect is not necessarily synonymous with self-portrait. I am not suggesting that your daughter should be psychoanalyzed; I am suggesting that it may take more than (positive reinforcement) to help your daughter communicate more effectively, which is a powerful tool in defining oneself, subsequently creating confidence that results in a more assured person even when that person’s thought, act, or response is incorrect. The confidence is derived from the process of doing the task to the best of one’s ability and having satisfaction in knowing that one has exhausted due diligence for the outcome. With the proper exercises, this type of insecurity is easily resolved. I hope this broad-strokes response provided some clarity for your daughter and you. “How to Communicate Effectively,” is one of my top skills-set. You may send me a message or call if you believe I may be of assistance. Regardless, I hope continued academic success for your daughter and a lasting positive resolution in her self-confidence. (smile)
Professional Comprehensive Life Coach
MOQs MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) is not a new concept; it has a high success rate and various implementations the most common being regulatory agency restrictions, which have to do with import/exports, good sold etc. Additionally, no manufacturer can sell at cost (no markup) and remain in business. There are always “costs” with any goods/services sold. I hope my broad-stroke response has provided you some clarity. I am happy to assist with specifics via phone consultation.
Web Developer
Ebooks selling is also one passive income and there plenty of places to sell them like Amazon.
Entrepreneur | Technologist | Designer
The credits that you already received are under AWS Activate Founders. Quoting from the AWS website, "If you have previously received AWS Activate Founders benefits, you are ineligible to apply again. You can only receive AWS Activate Founders benefits once." However, check if you are eligible for their AWS Activate Portfolio Program. https://aws.amazon.com/activate/portfolio/ This provides $100,000 USD in AWS Credits.
Professional Comprehensive Life Coach
Hello, Most businesses despite the product fall under two general categories: 1. Products 2. Services For USA based businesses – we consult on every aspect from Conceptualization-to-Completion, including federal, state, and local laws/regulations, etc. We even provide referrals for Branding (Logo/Product Packaging, etc.), Website Building & Security, SEO, Google Search, etc. With a few more details we are happy to provide you clarity to help you reach your ultimate goals.
Professional Comprehensive Life Coach
Hi there, Clarity only allows email edits via Support, which may be reached here: support@clarity.fm Hope this helps 😊
Marketing Communications Expert Problem Solver
I recommend developing a short survey with an incentive for completion, optional contact info questions at the end + interest in participating in an online focus group in the future. Then requesting the opportunity to post on private group boards dedicated to either LearnDash users *OR* PK-12 teachers on Facebook, etcI found this private group you could approach on Facebook: "LearnDash LMS Tips & Tricks" (14.5K Members). The Census will tell you the largest # of school districts (i.e. large # of teachers) https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/2019/comm/largest-school-districts.html. Google search to see if LearnDash is included as a tool for teachers on the school district's website. Then prioritize finding groups of teachers online for those school districts first in your survey outreach. Note: many groups on FB are against promotion, so I strongly recommend framing the survey as research AND include an incentive for completion as an indication you value the respondents' time. If you'd like to schedule a short call with me to discuss this process further, please let me know. Best of luck!
Higher Education Administration
| Experienced professional| Problem-solver|
The outlook of U.S Private for Profit Universities during and post COVID-19 is likely to experience significant financial pressures, increased enrollment challenges, and heightened regulatory scrutiny.
Branding, Marketing & Boundless Energy.
What a great idea! Of course, right now at the moment there is probably less demand, the beauty of your service, i am guessing, is that it can be outdoors and somewhat weather resistant. I would encourage you to reach out to event managers and planners with the idea - i feel as though there is something like this with tents, but i don't think i've seen this exact type of full-service approach. Especially not with the added industrial 'cool' factor. You may run into event spaces that provide this kind of service, so getting to them with the idea to use your service to offer to their clients might be a B2B model worth exploring. -JL For straight-to-customer approach,
Entrepreneur, digital marketing, life coach
Your next step should be is to study for your MCAT. Also Get a job in the healthcare field to gain some experience. Would love to answer any additional questions you have. Give me a call..