

Business Consultant

How do I find resources for this novelty idea for business that advances the humanity race using super intelligence anyone with resources on here who

funding for my really out-there ideas. I want to find scientist-researchers and intellectuals interested in working on projects from time travel, to magic and even fantasy. I want to give rise to the creation of genetically engineered, super intelligent, rapidly evolving entities that wave a real magic wand on supercharged AI. I am seeking the creation of artificial intelligence that can self-assemble and create metaphysical entities.Imagination is boundless and can help us achieve new and innovative technologies from uploading our minds to creating dimensions and universes that are currently unknown. I foresee a parallel omniverse in which we can look at other types of sciences: alien sciences, magic, and research-like concepts. Omniverses and beyond can result in unique creations we only now see in Marvel Comics. They can bring to reality knowledge once only dreamed of in science fiction, fantasy or technology magic.Using super intelligence, we can create God-like minds capable of generating their own omniverses. I’m seeking logisticians interested in studying things like dimensional entities, omnifabrication, etc. These are but a few examples of my speculative and imaginative ideas. Along with the right people committed to research eons ahead of its time, I want to bring them to reality. In this vein, I’m seeking start-up funding for KHOLE’S IDEAS, a new company which will implement my vision more lots more using super intelligence to help us with a lot of different things my goal is to work with essentially the government that works on classified technologies partner with government agencies sci-fi fantasy futurism singularity fringe science thinkers and more I have specific blogs and Pacific Facebook groups and specific websites and audiences that I want to work with to get these ideas out there to help find collaborators for no matter how highly imaginative ideas may seem using super intelligent AI researchers lots more audiences and I can go in more deep detail if you want I'm looking for somebody who can guide me in the right way to make these ideas make this business possible that means funding everything I was thinking about making other smaller inventions to fund the bigger highly imaginative ideas like patenting and hiring people who come up with ideas for products like apps 3D printing phone tech and more that can we can they can come with ideas then I can license those ideas and then patented them and license I'm too big companies to reinvest in these bigger ideas

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Salamatu Alabi

Entrepreneur who drives growth and success.

Hi dear, as an entrepreneur and growth strategist, I would advise that you;

1. Network with Key Players
Academia: Reach out to leading universities and research institutions specializing in artificial intelligence, physics, philosophy, and related fields.
Government Agencies: Explore partnerships with government agencies involved in advanced research or technology development.
Tech Industry: Connect with tech giants and startups working on AI and related technologies.
2. Seek Funding Opportunities:

Venture Capital Firms: Research venture capital firms that invest in cutting-edge technologies or disruptive startups.
Angel Investors: Connect with high-net-worth individuals who are interested in funding innovative projects.
Government Grants: Explore government grants or funding programs that support scientific research or technological advancements.
Crowdfunding Platforms: Consider using crowdfunding platforms to raise funds from a wider audience.
3. Build a Strong Team:

Recruit Experts: Assemble a team of experts in AI, physics, philosophy, and other relevant fields.
Foster Collaboration: Create a collaborative environment where team members can share ideas and work together effectively.
4. Develop a Compelling Pitch:

Highlight the Potential: Clearly articulate the potential benefits of your ideas and how they can advance humanity.
Address Challenges: Anticipate potential challenges and explain how you plan to overcome them.
Present a Business Case: Develop a compelling business case that demonstrates the potential for success and return on investment.
5. Leverage Existing Networks:

Attend Conferences: Network with industry leaders at conferences and events related to AI and technology.
Join Professional Organizations: Participate in professional organizations to connect with like-minded individuals.
Utilize Social Media: Use social media platforms to share your ideas and connect with potential investors or collaborators.
By following these steps and leveraging your expertise, you can increase your chances of finding the resources and support needed to bring your ambitious vision to life.

Answered 29 days ago

kate frank

An Entrepreneur

To find resources for a business that advances humanity using superintelligence, consider these key steps which have also helped others succeed in developing ideas like this

1. Research and Identify Key Fields
- Superintelligence and AI Research: Start by exploring current advancements in AI and superintelligence, including fields like artificial general intelligence (AGI), machine learning, and cognitive computing.
- Ethics and Governance: Since superintelligence impacts humanity, understanding the ethical, philosophical, and governance frameworks will be crucial for responsible development.
- Future Trends: Study technological foresight reports, like those from the World Economic Forum or McKinsey, on how AI can be applied in healthcare, energy, education, and other sectors to drive societal progress.

2. Leverage Funding and Networking Resources
- AI-focused Venture Capital: Look for VCs specializing in AI innovation. Firms like Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia, and specialized funds like AI Ventures often support groundbreaking AI startups.
- Government Grants and Innovation Challenges: Many governments and international bodies offer funding for projects that push the frontiers of AI and superintelligence. Examples include Horizon Europe and the U.S. National Science Foundation.
- Research Institutions and AI Labs: Engage with leading AI labs such as OpenAI, DeepMind, or MIT’s Media Lab. Many collaborate with startups or provide resources to align with cutting-edge research.

3. Collaborate with Thought Leaders and Experts
- Academic and Industry Partnerships: Form alliances with AI researchers, ethicists, and futurists from leading institutions to access knowledge, mentorship, and resources.
- Superintelligence Conferences and Forums: Attend global events like the AI for Good Summit, Singularity University conferences, or Web Summit, where cutting-edge ideas are discussed, and you can network with leading minds in the field.

4. Access Incubators and Accelerators
- AI and Future Tech Accelerators: Apply to programs like Y Combinator, Techstars, or AI-specific incubators that support high-potential, visionary startups.
- Superintelligence Collaborations: Initiatives like the Partnership on AI or Future of Life Institute foster collaboration to build safe and beneficial AI. They can offer both funding and resources.

5. Engage with Global Non-Profit Initiatives
- Organizations like the Future of Humanity Institute and the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence focus on long-term strategic research related to AI and humanity's future. Partnering with or drawing on their resources could provide intellectual and financial support.

Each of these steps will give you access to intellectual, financial, and social resources that can help you turn your superintelligence-based idea into a reality for advancing humanity.

Answered 24 days ago


CFO - Established REIT with Reg A+ and Reg D

Find groups that champion the cause of Alternative Investments. Be ready to support their causes and events, and be visible in those settings. Also be ready to explain your niche and the competitive advantages of your plan, including what problem your product solves, who the target audience is, and how the product is unique in its ability to solve the problem. Furthermore, apply to Grant Programs for innovations. This will give you exposure in those circles.

Answered 23 days ago

Brittany O

Certified Anxiety Coach & Empath Listener


I’m excited to share with you a collection of innovative business ideas designed to harness the power of superintelligence and advance the human race. Each concept is built to address critical global challenges while also offering cutting-edge, scalable solutions. I have found 10 novel ideas, If you are intrested

Answered 22 days ago

Thomas-Xavier Christiane

Arts & Humanities


Why don't you try giving some clarity on your project?
Maybe you could start brainstorming the idea and then try to look for steps that you can do that are in reach.
It seems like you are willing to do something big but you don't know where to start. An idea is usually very broad at the beginning but, as you work on developing it, it narrows down to something more simple and more achievable.

Answered 20 days ago